Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! This is my 1572nd #TutuTuesday blog post, can you believe it?! Today's post takes us right back to the dawn of the tutu! Well, sort of! We'll be dancing through time to 11th February 1862, but this tutu story takes us even further back. Buckle up for a quick train journey!
Oh, how I love to hop on a train to a new adventure! Especially if it's to a Parisian ballet performance, or even better - the glorious Paris Opera House, where so much tutu history unfolds. My heart flutters every time the engine steams into the station. The energy and the excitement of a grand spectacle waiting to be discovered – absolutely fabulous!
As a tutu enthusiast (it's quite obvious, isn't it?!) and a keen fashionista, there's simply nothing that gets me more excited than the history of tutus. The very idea of it, a dance garment as beautiful and dynamic as a tutu, transforming over the centuries is like magic, wouldn't you say?
Today we're diving right into the birth of this extraordinary dance costume - the romantic tutu!
Before the 1800s, ballerinas used to dance in very, very, long, weighty, restrictive skirts. I'm talking acres of fabric - cumbersome and a nightmare to manage, not to mention the constant threat of tripping! Luckily, a vision of graceful movement arose. The romantics of the 18th century sought to change things.
*(Flashback alert!) *
I imagine those 18th century ballerinas - elegant creatures with such artistry, but confined in those weighty skirts. Then, along comes the *'Tutu-inator'! * I'm imagining this mythical being wielding magical pink scissors as he cuts away yards of cumbersome material, allowing the dancers to soar, spin, and twirl! (That’s an idea for a future blog post - Tutu-inator! What do you think?)
Our hero! - I shall call him the Tutu-inator, introduced the world to a new and improved costume: a short, lightweight, romantic, single layer tutu! That's the first tutu as we know it, folks, the romantic tutu!
Oh, how much easier it was to move and glide! Now imagine those amazing ballet shows taking flight.
Fast forward to the 11th of February, 1862... (this is where our time travel lands, remember?) We are a whole century past the 'Tutu-inator''s debut. It's February, and the weather in Derbyshire where I'm from is probably miserable, but here in Paris it's starting to warm up a little! Perfect weather for taking in a ballet show.
This is the year the Russian Imperial Ballet performed at the *Paris Opera House! * It’s no secret that these Russians were dancing maestros! Oh, how the tutus shimmered! The artistry and grace they showcased... Simply divine!
The most prominent ballet dancer of that year? I can see you all thinking it, and you're absolutely right. The legendary Maria Tallchief had us all spellbound in the iconic "Swan Lake." She took ballet to a new level of magic, and as far as I'm concerned, no dancer has eclipsed her in grace and technique! It’s something you need to witness, especially at the Opera House, you can feel the atmosphere!
The romantic tutu, that single-layered skirt, danced right through the romantic period in ballet, and into this momentous performance by the Russian Imperial Ballet, a dazzling highlight in the world of ballet! It’s an elegant reminder of the historical legacy of dance!
(Flashback to the present)
If you've been following my blogs, you’ve been on the same dance journey as me through time! It's incredible how the tutu has changed with fashion. From the short, flowing romantic tutu, to the layered tulle we see today - an exquisite transformation in design and innovation, each with its unique grace!
We must celebrate the history of the tutu! There's so much to explore about it, and I will be sharing these little treasures with you all. As a true tutu aficionado, there's nothing more fascinating to me than watching these little pieces of history evolve!
Remember my Tutu Tuesday hashtag - *#TutuTuesday! * Spread the word! Use this hashtag whenever you’re feeling extra graceful, elegant, and a bit of magic, to show us all what the tutu means to you.
Until next week, ladies! And always remember - Don't forget to wear your pink tutus! (If you happen to be lucky enough to own one of my limited edition ones - you go, girl! )
See you next time on www.pink-tutu.com,
*Emma, from Derbyshire with love. *
(ps: Time Travel tip - ballet performances provide the best currency! Let me know in the comments section of the blog below what tutu stories from history YOU'D like me to delve into! I will do my best to fulfill your request! )