Greetings, my darling dance devotees! It's Emma here, back again from the annals of time to share my love of all things tutu-rific with you lovely lot.
This week, my pink tulle has transported me all the way back to the 28th of July, 1863, which just so happens to be a very significant date in the grand history of ballet. Why? Well, it's the birthday of the fabulous Mademoiselle Carlotta Grisi!
Now, some of you may know this name from your ballet books or the namesakes of dance studios - and you're absolutely right to be well-versed in the name! Carlotta Grisi was an absolute superstar on the dance scene in the 1840s. Her signature? Grace, precision, and an effortless brilliance that captured audiences across Europe!
(You all know I'm living for those kind of ballerina moments, don't you?!)
Think of this day, darlings, like a glorious "Carlotta Day"! A time to celebrate one of the greats and how she paved the way for ballerinas today, myself included!
Imagine, though - back in 1863, the world was a bit different for a tutu-loving lass like myself! Thankfully, I could have still been found in my pink, oh-so-fabulous tulle skirts - but maybe just not on the grandest ballet stage quite yet! See, those dazzling tutus you see us rocking today were just beginning to appear around this time! (Imagine!)
So, let's go back in time and dive into a little history with your fabulous pink tutu wearing gal pal!
The very Beginning of the Ballet Tutu
You see, before the ballet tutu - as we know it - came into being, ballet was a very different beast! Imagine: dancers in these billowing, layered gowns, flowing about the stage!
While absolutely beautiful in its own way, it was not the most practical for elegant jumps, spins, and graceful movements. Think of it this way, the movement had to be choreographed around the clothes, not the other way around!
(Isn't it incredible to see how dance evolved?!)
Enter: the revolutionary "tutu"!
A dancer named Marie Taglioni - known as the "Queen of the Pointe" (we'll have to have a Tutu Tuesday post about her sometime soon!) - was one of the very first ballerinas to don a skirt so short and so light it revolutionized the ballet world! Think really short. And that's because she was using it for incredible technical virtuosity!
But in the beginning, even these super short skirts (for the time, remember!) were considered quite scandalous! Imagine those dainty, fluttering things, revealing the calves! Oh my!
(*Honestly, I can't fathom the world then. I'm here to make tutus *not a scandal! A celebration!")
However, as time went on - the tutu came into its own, becoming the hallmark of a dancer. It evolved from the billowing dresses to become a garment all its own, with a distinctive silhouette, elegant volume and of course, glorious dancing!
Imagine the evolution from Marie Taglioni's revolutionary short skirt in the 1830s to 1863, with Carlotta Grisi dancing in the peak of fashion, the very peak of artistry! Imagine!
A Dance With History
By the time of Carlotta Grisi's birthday in 1863, the tutu was very much part of the dance world - a beautiful and elegant symbol of movement, grace and technique!
I imagine she'd be absolutely thrilled to see what's become of it today! And as always, I adore finding the history within our modern world, like with a sparkling tutu dancing upon the stage today.
You know I had to hop on a train to celebrate Carlotta Day!
Now, where else do you find the best dancing (besides your favourite ballerina Emma?)
Well, the best ballet in 1863? Paris, naturally! This glorious city, a ballet powerhouse since the late 1600s! Paris is truly a citadel for dancers of every kind. It is overflowing with beauty, sophistication and naturally, grand and lavish ballrooms and theatres where dancing literally takes over.
Of course, I couldn't help myself but step into the beautiful Opera Garnier, the iconic Parisian landmark, a marvel of opulence and breathtaking beauty! This breathtaking theatre is such a symbol of this magical era, and my dear readers, I highly recommend popping by there to see some wonderful ballet productions, yourself! It's an absolute must!
(Of course, no matter where you are, you can always look up local dance companies for some elegant, high-quality performances!)
Fashion & the Tutu Today!
Now, let's chat fashion! I've always loved tutus for their beauty - their lightness, their sheer magic - but today's world is so tutu-licious with every kind of tutu style!
The fashion world has caught on to the allure of this magical dance piece - they’re so adaptable! We can dance in them and wear them on the streets!
I'm totally loving the 'tutu revival', where they’ve moved beyond just ballet. The tutu is the ultimate symbol of feminine and whimsical fashion, whether it's for an evening gown, a stylish party piece, or even a modern-day street ensemble!
We love to see those tutus in bold colours! In colours just as exciting as me! Just like the vintage-inspired pink tulle dress I've donned for my #TutuTuesday outing today - isn't it absolutely adorable?!
Now, while you can certainly grab one of these fabulous garments at most online retailers and vintage clothing stores, you can absolutely create your very own masterpiece!
Here's an easy and quick idea for a fun fashion DIY!
Take an old skirt - perhaps a tulle skirt, if you happen to have one! If not, don't fret - a simple net skirt will do nicely! Just take it up, trim it to the length of your preference, embellish it with a ribbon or bling (or perhaps even feathers!) and VOILA! A sparkling, dance-ready skirt is yours! (Don't forget the pink, lovelies!)
Keep Dancing With Me!
I hope you have as much fun as I do when you get into your tutu and put on some dance tunes - after all, there's nothing more joyful than letting those dancing spirits fly free!
Until next time, lovelies, and don't forget:
*Embrace your inner dancer! *
(And keep those pink tutus handy!)
With love and twirls,
P.S. Be sure to join me next week for another exciting edition of Tutu Tuesday! (Remember to follow me on social media to make sure you don't miss a thing!)