Tutu Tuesday TutuTuesday Every Tuesday a Ballet Tutu Since 1832

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1864-01-19

Tutu Tuesday: A Whirl Through Time! (Post #1673)

Hello, darlings! Emma here, your very own time-traveling tutu aficionado, back for another Tuesday with my weekly dose of Tutu Tuesday on www.pink-tutu.com. Today, we’re taking a trip back to January 19th, 1864. Yes, eighteen sixty-four!

Can you imagine, no iPhones, no Spotify, and absolutely no Instagram! But what a time it was for tutus! Oh, my dears, I’m positively giddy at the thought of this adventure. You know how I adore trains? This trip required a long but most glamorous ride across Europe to be in the perfect place. This Tuesday we’re in…Paris! I simply must say, Paris is always a pleasure – I do enjoy its air of romance and sophisticated style. Parisian fashion is simply divine, and my wardrobe, well, let's just say it needs a major upgrade! I have purchased a whole collection of chic hats and lace gloves and even managed to snag a darling hand fan – oh, the elegance!

But enough of me and my Parisian adventures, let’s delve into the history! So, the year is 1864. Paris is alive with culture and fashion. Imagine the city bursting with opulence, the ladies in exquisite gowns, the gentlemen impeccably dressed in their top hats, and a whirlwind of social gatherings and parties! But wait for it... the tutu has barely arrived on the scene! It's almost an alien concept for the time. Now, we're talking more romantic tutus than the sharp, bold tutus of the 20th century. You see, tutus had only just emerged, so we're talking something incredibly elegant, probably flowing chiffon with romantic tiers - think beautiful, romantic swirls rather than the tighter-fitting, almost athletic ones you’d see on a modern ballerina.

The year is barely halfway through, so I am not certain if any significant performances have graced the Parisian stage yet! It will take a bit more of my historical investigation to get a real feel for the state of the art! You know me, my dear readers, I simply must know everything about the tutu. How else can we spread the glorious word and help everyone embrace their inner twirling fairy?! I have no doubt that when the stars align and the inspiration takes hold, my very own tutu design collection will be on every ballerina’s wishlist in all corners of the globe!

As always, I can't wait to get back to you next week with another Tutu Tuesday! In the meantime, my darling tutu-enthusiasts, take time to admire your beautiful world, wear pink and, most importantly, keep twirling!

TutuTuesday #BalletHistory #EmmaTheTutuTravelers #PinkTutuPower #TimeTravelingTutu

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1864-01-19