
Tutu Tuesday TutuTuesday Every Tuesday a Ballet Tutu Since 1832

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1865-11-21

Tutu Tuesday: #1769 - The Whirlwind of Change in the World of Tutus!

Hello, my lovely tutu-lovers! Itā€™s Emma here, back with another scintillating exploration into the history of our beloved ballet tutu. Today weā€™re going back in time, not just a few years, but to 21st November 1865, just before the Victorian era blossomed in its full glory! Buckle up, darlings, this trip's going to be a hoot!

Now, I must confess, when I set my time machine to this date, I was a tad concerned. No one truly knows for sure when the first "real" tutu, the kind we know and love, actually made its grand entrance. 1865 is a little before the era when tutus were being whipped into their most fabulous shape. But I'm ever the optimist, and, I can assure you, finding a way to spin this little story of tutu history is an adventure I'm thrilled to take you on!

I travelled in style, of course - hopping on the most lavish train I could find, resplendent in my own personally-designed pink tutu with frills, frou-frou and feather boas. I simply couldn't travel to the past without being in full, tutu-wearing regalia! Now, 1865 might seem like a world where tutus were unheard of. But I assure you, this is a grand illusion!

In the mid 1800s, ballet was already blossoming as a form of entertainment that had everyone enthralled. Sure, they might not have been in our current ā€˜ballerina pinkā€™ designs that send me into a spiral of delightful swooning, but those earlier versions certainly paved the way for what we now know and adore. They were more "crinolines-esque" as you could say, with all the romantic and luxurious voluminous designs we expect in that era. Think romantic and slightly longer with a flowing shape like that of an exquisite cloud.

But remember, darling, that our beloved ballerina Marie Taglioni was just starting her illustrious career then! She was a revolutionary in the world of ballet, demanding a new approach to how dancers moved on the stage! Think more flow and light, less weighty traditional skirts! This was the era when Marie introduced that 'fairy' or 'fairy tale' look and movement, which she could better showcase in shorter tutus! It truly opened up a whole new world for the ballerina on stage. And, you know what, it set the foundation for that very, very important change towards our beautiful pink tutus of today!

Iā€™m a huge Marie Taglioni fangirl, by the way, just to be perfectly transparent! Every time I see one of her dances in a performance or a video, it simply brings me to life! But imagine for a second, those lovely, flowy, frilly versions were still in fashion, yet to have become shorter and more ā€œmodernā€ ā€“ just imagine the grandeur, the opulence! So that was the situation we were in as we danced into the glorious 1860s!

As a devoted follower of ballet history, this trip allowed me to see a bit of this history up close. There were the ballet shoes, of course, though more ā€œromanticā€ and a little more ā€œshoeā€ in terms of structure ā€“ no lovely pointe shoes yet! This, dear readers, is what I call truly amazing!

I went to one of the London opera houses, and you wouldn't believe the stunning dresses worn by the attendees! Those exquisite ladies with their elaborate corsets, full gowns with frills, laces, and all the glamorous trimmings you can imagine. Honestly, these ladies knew how to set a fashion statement! So maybe the tutu wasn't there yet in the form we know it now. But believe me, these ladies knew all about how to wear fabulous clothing that was an exciting reflection of their own personality and taste. It was the same thing as our amazing tutu - just expressed differently. It simply took a tiny change in ballet fashion! It just shows how style always has an ability to morph, change and evolve as we dance through history.

Now, if we can go back for a moment and turn our time machine's dial just a tad...I am bursting to share some information on what we were enjoying at this time! Let me introduce the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Now, thatā€™s a band to make your heart sing! It wasn't just about the performance, though. Even in 1865, the concert attire was as important as the show! Those gentlemen looked absolutely debonair in their best suits with matching hats and ties. Oh, to be a gentleman in that era! (and to be able to have tea every single afternoon. That was just delightful! Oh and to wear a pocket watch..just fantastic!). But imagine, though, just imagine a gent wearing his finest outfit to an amazing concert.. and also sporting a very classy tutu to top it off! Gulp! That could certainly get some conversations going, wouldn't you agree?

You have to agree, those Victorians really did know how to party, right? But for our Tutu Tuesday, dear readers, our focus today, the very reason I journeyed to 1865 in my very own pink and fabulous tutu... was all to bring back to light those early beginnings of what was to be our ultimate and very beloved form of fashion - our beautiful and fabulous tutu! It's just like what Iā€™ve said, darling, every journey begins with a step, even the journey that led us to our stunning modern day tutus! And so, my dear tutu-lovers, as we travel through the colourful tapestry of time I can only leave you with this thought ā€“ tutus arenā€™t just garments, they are symbols of artistic expression, of movement, beauty, and, of course, pure joy. We should be forever grateful for the revolutionary women and men who made them the amazing style statement they are today! I'll always try to remember them and their impact when I spin, jump, and twirl in my very own personal and absolutely gorgeous pink tutu. Until next time, darlings, stay fashionable, and happy tutuing!

Yours, always in a pink tutu,

Emma xox

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1865-11-21