Hello darlings! Welcome to my little corner of the internet where pink tutus reign supreme and every Tuesday is #TutuTuesday! This is blog post number 1814, can you believe it? My oh my, time really does fly by, especially when you're hopping between eras and getting lost in the magical world of ballet.
This week, I've taken a trip back to October 2nd, 1866. That's right, my dears, we're stepping back into the Victorian Era! The gaslights flicker, the streets bustle with horse-drawn carriages, and ladies in bustles are in the midst of a grand tea party. It's a charming time, even if they do insist on wearing layers of fabric in this glorious summer weather.
But don't worry, the ballet scene is flourishing in this era!
Now, back to our historical date. October 2nd, 1866 saw the world premiere of Marius Petipa's Le Fille du Pharaon. This fantastical tale set in ancient Egypt was full of swirling costumes, shimmering colours, and dramatic choreography. Can you imagine! Imagine waltzing amidst pyramids and dazzling the court with your swirling, flowing movements - a perfect occasion to bust out a very pink tutu, darling!
Speaking of tutus, my darlings, have you ever considered that there's more to the world of tutus than just ballet?
Oh yes, this magical garment has an equally exciting backstory!
Did you know that the first ever tutus weren't actually called tutus at all?
They were known as ballets skirts - a little less elegant, don't you think? The name "tutu" only came later, around the 19th century. You know I like to imagine it started with one sassy ballerina saying, “Darling, have you seen this delightful tutu?" and the word just caught on like wildfire!
Imagine, the iconic ballerina, Marie Taglioni, who was all the rage at the time, with her light-as-air leaps, grace, and of course, her famous white tutu - it must have been a vision to behold. That first, white, Romantic era, tutu is a symbol of beauty and artistic freedom!
Before the ballet skirt or tutu, ballet dancers had to wear several layers of undergarments, imagine, they could barely move, let alone pirouette. The invention of the balletskirt freed up dancers to leap and spin with much more freedom. Imagine having to wear all those clothes for a single step, my dear, that would certainly make me want to ditch my usual pas de deux to become an en pointe warrior, like the Amazons in that ballet. It really revolutionized ballet dance as we know it.
My little travel time machine took me straight to the Palais Garnier in Paris for Le Fille du Pharaon, which, of course, is where Marie Taglioni danced in the early stages of her illustrious career. A dazzling display of Parisian glamour - all velvet curtains and elegant boxes for the elite of Parisian society. You can bet there were several extravagant, glittering, silk, pink tutus gracing the stage - just perfect to steal the spotlight.
In a world full of corsetry and layers, the tutu emerged as a beacon of artistic freedom. The freedom to dance, the freedom to move, the freedom to be graceful and beautiful! It embodies that playful elegance which makes me believe everyone can wear a pink tutu and make the world a prettier place, darling.
It just seems only right that this iconic garment has evolved throughout history, hasn't it? Imagine seeing a whole host of 18th-century tutus that were all ruffles and puff, they must have looked like a cloud with legs! But with time came sleek, tighter-fitting tutus that flowed perfectly for more modern dances. The tutu changed alongside ballet itself!
And now, we have the tutus that I love! The kind with fluffy, pink, frilly tiers that look like confectionery, a true vision. It takes me back in time to remember those very first ballets skirts. To me, my beloved tutu represents something far grander - freedom, artistry, beauty and a celebration of the human spirit!
I believe that everyone, no matter where they live, should get to experience the magic of the tutu. So why don't we all add a little flair to our wardrobes and put on our favourite pink tutu? It might just be the spark to ignite your own creativity and add a touch of joy to your life.
Don't forget to share your photos and experiences wearing tutus in the comments below! Tell me about your own pink tutu moments!
Now, I must go find some Parisian macarons! Don’t forget to follow me on the @pinktutu social channels! Stay fashionable, my darlings.
Yours, always in pink,