Hello dears, and welcome back to another #TutuTuesday! I'm Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast and time-travelling ballet historian, coming to you live from…well, whispers... Paris! The very heart of fashion, and as we all know, the birthplace of ballet as we know it. Today, I'm going to take us back to the year 1869, just a couple of years after the Franco-Prussian War and, dare I say it, a very fashionable time!
Now, before I get into the juicy history of tutus, I have to share a bit about my own trip here to Paris. Honestly, darling, it was simply magnificent! My travels, as always, were funded by some incredible performances at the Royal Opera House back in Derbyshire, and I’m absolutely tickled pink by how well they've been going! And let me tell you, nothing gets you more pumped about dancing than watching an exceptional performance! This time around, I’d done the whole Victorian pas de deux - the theatrics, the flouncy skirts, the swooning melodrama - absolutely sublime!
Paris, oh Paris! I could simply walk for hours, taking in the boulevards and marveling at the haute couture displayed in shop windows. From the glittering fashion houses to the buzzing streets of Montmartre, this city has it all! There are little shops with hats as extravagant as my tutu and dresses that flow like silken ribbons, it's truly a treat for the senses! I even snagged myself the most darling little hat with a feathered plume and matching gloves - just the thing for a fashionable ballerina. Speaking of fashion, my current Parisian outfit consists of a pale pink tulle tutu, a delicate, lacy bodice with a sweet little ribbon around the neck, and of course, a very, very glamorous pearl necklace. Honestly, the pinkest I’ve ever looked, and I'm positively in love with the way it feels like a swirling dream against the Parisian backdrop.
So, back to our history! The year is 1869. This was a truly remarkable time for ballet in Europe. There's been a rise of public interest, thanks in part to the sheer spectacle and skill on show. The tutus of the day, though, were considerably more layered and ornate compared to our lightweight tutus of today. You see, they favoured the ‘roman tutus’, which were comprised of multiple layers of white tulle. This was perfect for showcasing those intricate balletic movements but can you imagine trying to jump or pirouette in that?! We, the ballet lovers of today, would definitely have called it out on TikTok!
But on November 30th, 1869, one little event happened to spark something… something rather important. The famous Italian ballet dancer, Carlotta Grisi, celebrated her birthday in Paris. It’s no secret she was a major icon in the ballet world, one who, like all the grand dames of ballet, was absolutely devoted to making it an even grander spectacle! Imagine! Birthday cakes made with frosting shaped like pointe shoes and guests in the very finest of tulle! Oh darling, the decadence! I hope you're taking notes!
What's even more interesting about Carlotta's birthday was this. There were rumors - now, you know me, dear readers, I love a good gossip - that she performed wearing a very unique and quite revolutionary tutu. Not a bulky multi-layered creation, but something lighter and, dare I say, a bit shorter! Yes, you read that right, my dears, shorter! Now, I know what you're thinking: what is so exciting about a shorter tutu? But believe me, this was a massive deal! The more we look into these days gone by, it becomes clear this little change was like throwing a pebble into a pond - the ripples it made eventually shaped the look of ballet in all its glory.
Carlotta's ‘shorter’ tutu, which we now associate with a more streamlined and dynamic style, made the art of ballet more agile. This allowed the dancers, no longer weighed down by the weight of heavy, long layers of tulle, to perform those incredible leaps, pirouettes, and grand jetés in ways never seen before! Imagine how freeing it would have been! It was like letting the dancers truly spread their wings, unleash their full potential, and wow the audiences with newfound power and grace!
As for my dear readers, why don’t you go get a nice glass of champagne and some French pastries to celebrate? If you’re ready for more tutu time, join me next Tuesday at 8 pm GMT for another trip down ballet history lane! And be sure to show off your own pink tutus – post pictures on social media with the hashtag #PinkTutu! I love seeing how my readers show off their creativity!
Until then, my loves, keep dancing! And keep on believing in the magic of the tutu.
Your fashionably pink friend,
P.S. Make sure you head on over to our fabulous blog website, www.pink-tutu.com, where you can check out all our past blogs, discover our special "pink tutu" merchandise, and find tips for styling the best tutus.
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