Hello darlings! Emma here, back again for another exciting trip down the #TutuTuesday history lane! It's been another whirlwind week, full of twirling, shopping, and of course, an absolute ton of train travel. Oh, how I love that chug-chugging rhythm! Today's date? 27th December 1881. Think swirling Christmas decorations and so much plum pudding!
As always, let's delve into the fascinating world of tutus. Remember, darling, the tutus we know and love today weren't always as readily available. Today we'll be talking about a very special era - the late Victorian period, where fashion was absolutely everything.
The ladies were truly dazzling! Think layers upon layers of opulent silk, elaborate bustles, and those divine bonnets, oh, darling! But, what about the dance? You see, tutus hadn't quite reached their full glory just yet. Back then, ballet was undergoing a change - a slow but elegant transformation. Imagine beautiful dancers in elegant long skirts, like billowing clouds, instead of our lovely shorter tutus.
Speaking of skirts, the fashion of the time played a role in the evolution of the tutu. Think of the big, voluminous skirts - the bustle - worn by fashionable ladies. Imagine our delicate dancers trying to pirouette with all that fabric! It must have been quite a sight! Now picture a dancer gracefully swirling in a beautifully shaped tutu, giving the performance an air of effortless elegance! A sight to behold, indeed!
It’s not to say tutus didn't exist. They were used in a much different way, often in operas and other performances that had elements of dancing. You know, it was still early days, dearie, the tutus were a bit more chunky - we wouldn't even recognise them today!
As a ballerina myself, I have to confess, it feels so right to see dancers adorned in their perfectly-shaped tutus, each stitch a story waiting to be told.
My latest travel brought me to the heart of London, a veritable whirlwind of excitement! Of course, I couldn't resist a shopping trip down Bond Street. I picked up the most darling new shawl for the chilly weather. The most magnificent lilac! Just picture me swanning down the street, positively radiating pink-tutu fabulousness, as I headed for the Covent Garden Theatre!
Oh, it was a spectacular show! I had my eyes on the pointe shoes, marveling at the graceful movement, the elegance, and oh! The expressive gestures! There’s just nothing like it, my dears! Every movement, each graceful bend of the knees, each leap, told a tale. It makes me want to get back to the studio!
You know, my darlings, the real thrill of time travel is witnessing how the ballet world changed through time, from those elegant long skirts to the spectacular, almost magical costumes we see on the stages today.
I must admit, a part of me yearns for a little time-travel magic, maybe I’ll visit 1881 again - it’s always such a lovely experience!
Remember to catch up with the pink-tutu blog, as we continue our #TutuTuesday journey to find the best way to wear that beautiful piece of clothing! We will discover more of the exciting story of tutus throughout the ages.
Until next time, darlings! Keep dancing and spreading that pink tutu magic!