Hello my lovely tutu-lovers! It's Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast and time-traveling ballerina extraordinaire, ready to whisk you away on another fabulous journey through the captivating history of our beloved tutus! This week, we're hopping aboard a steam train (always so romantic!) and travelling back to June 9th, 1885, to see what tutu-tastic wonders were happening then!
Oh, it's such a thrill to see what the world of dance looked like in the past! This week's trip is particularly exciting because 1885 is considered to be a real pivotal year in ballet. We're going to delve into the evolution of the tutu right in the heart of where the ballet scene is hottest: Paris! You all know how I adore the city of lights - it's just overflowing with style!
1885: A Year of Tutu Transformation
As the grand old Opera Garnier (can you imagine being inside that glorious building?!) bustled with the cream of Parisian society, a revolutionary change was brewing in the world of dance. You see, tutus were on a mission to evolve and were starting to look rather different from what we would recognize today. Gone were the super full, puffy, skirt-like tutus, replaced with more fitted, flowing styles - think of them as the precursor to our lovely modern tutus.
Can you imagine the excitement this caused?! Just picture the gossiping and gasps of surprise as the Parisian ballet stars unveiled their new elegant looks on stage! I can practically hear them chattering about these "revolutionary new designs".
These new, fitted tutus made the dancers' movements even more beautiful and graceful, drawing the eyes of the audience to every gesture. The change wasn't just in the look, either. It was a real transformation, opening up new possibilities in dance - it truly gave them the chance to really express themselves. And let's be honest, anything that makes a dancer look fabulous, and allows them to show off their talents, gets my stamp of approval!
From the Archives: A Glimpse into the Past
This week, I got my hands on some truly incredible historical records, including a sketch from the era showing a ballerina in a rather stunning new style. Just imagine her in that new tutu, as she leaps across the stage under the enchanting gaslights, every move filled with grace. It makes my heart soar just thinking about it!
But I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't bring you all some tutu fashion! There is a stunning photo in the archives of an elegant dancer named Emma (maybe we are related?) showcasing a truly breath-taking design. It's an airy, single-layer creation - a real vision! So romantic and delicate. I might even attempt to recreate that style myself for my next tutu challenge. Stay tuned!
My Tutu Inspiration
I have to say, my trip to 1885 was truly inspiring. These designs truly prove that the world of dance is always pushing boundaries, always experimenting, and always searching for new ways to showcase the incredible talent and grace of dancers. You never know, my lovely tutus, there may just be a vintage style you might fall in love with, just waiting to be discovered!
Travel Tip for My Tutu-Lovers:
And remember my darlings, every single one of us can make the world a bit more sparkly and glamorous. If you ever find yourselves in Paris (it's my top destination for tutus!) make sure you treat yourself to a delicious Parisian macaron. This tiny treat with its delicately swirling layers has to be my all-time favourite dessert. It's a symphony of colours and textures โ just like the world of ballet and fashion, wouldn't you agree?
Until next week, when we'll be diving back into the archives again, I'll be twirling my way around the shops looking for some inspiration! Don't forget to wear your tutus and remember, my dears, every day is an opportunity to embrace your inner ballerina.
Love and twirls,
Emma xo