Welcome, darling dancers! It's me, Emma, your resident pink tutu aficionado, popping in with another #TutuTuesday post from my very own, time-travelling blog, www.pink-tutu.com. This is post number 2837 – can you believe it? That’s almost three thousand blog posts! I never would have thought my obsession with ballet tutus would take me this far, let alone across time and space! I hope you love reading them as much as I love writing them!
Today, my darlings, we are stepping back in time to 11th May, 1886. Now, the late 1800s, they weren’t all that different for the world of tutus, you see. A ballerina on stage, in the beautiful tutu of the time, was a vision! They were so much more delicate, so much more flowing than today's modern dance tutus.
Imagine a graceful, swirling confection of tulle, shorter and daintier than the ones you see on stage today, usually decorated with silk flowers and perhaps some sequins, but nothing like the over-the-top decorations you’d find in later years. These were ballerinas at their most elegant, their movements defined by grace and fluidity, all captured by a simple but perfect outfit. And wouldn’t you just love a tulle that billowed out as you twirled?
You know me, I'm all for a bit of glamour and sparkle, so when it comes to history, I find myself gravitating towards the beautiful, opulent creations of this time period. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and when it comes to ballerinas and tutus, I simply agree!
Oh! And wouldn’t you just love to watch a ballet on this day? Sadly, nothing is scheduled, and the first one on the schedule I found was for a performance at the Royal Opera House in London just a couple of days later. I would love to get to see it – imagine, an elegant auditorium full of the chattering elite. Imagine all those sparkling jewels on those beautiful gowns. And I simply adore those gorgeous costumes, those glittering embellishments that look so beautiful as they move through the air. Just magical.
Of course, London has just as much glamour in its everyday life too! Think about this… You’ve just emerged from your lavish, well-furnished home, and you’ve arrived at your favourite carriage hire. There’s an elegant driver ready to deliver you and your latest purchase to your friend's social tea, an opportunity for you to show off a beautiful outfit and to make everyone's jaws drop, while gossiping about the latest news of the city! You just couldn’t make it up, could you? Oh how I love a glamorous city and this time in history!
My friends, don’t you just adore tutus? Let's go all out for this week's #TutuTuesday! Put on your favourite tutu and go for a spin in the park. Tell the world how much you love tutus. It doesn't matter if it’s the simplest of outfits or a glorious, sparkly tutu, you'll just love seeing everyone dancing together.
It's all about embracing the joy of movement, the spirit of expression, and the magic of ballet, that we all have within us. Remember, every day is an opportunity to twirl, to dance, and to be your most authentic self! I can't wait to see your fabulous outfits - and do let me know where you found yours! I’m always on the lookout for the newest designs for my ballet closet!
Remember to keep following www.pink-tutu.com for more adventures in #TutuTuesday!
With all the grace and sparkle you can handle, Emma xxx
Don’t forget to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to share your best pink tutu outfit on my website! I can’t wait to see them. Let’s share some joy!
P.S: How much fun would it be if we went back in time, dressed in a pink tutu, and attended a social event in 1886? I’m sure there would be some fabulous fashion and beautiful dancing going on! Just imagine, what would I wear? Maybe a ruffled, floral tulle and some satin ribbon for my hair…
P.P.S I know what you’re thinking. Where did I get the 11th of May 1886 from? Why this date? I am so glad you asked, you’re reading my blog, right? Then you already know! Because that date just happened to be my birthday and I couldn’t just pass up celebrating that, could I? Don’t worry, it won't always be a birthday! But just a few dates like this each year would be lovely, right?
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pinktutu #ballettutu #tutu #dance #fashion #ballerina #timetravel #travelIt's important to note that the timeline provided does not specifically address what was happening on May 11th, 1886, so it's impossible to add that specific information.