Hello darlings! Welcome back to Pink Tutu, your one-stop shop for all things fluffy, twirly and oh-so-pink! 🎀
This week, we're stepping back in time (in my fabulous pink-and-silver travelling shoes, of course!) to the 5th of March 1889, a date forever etched in ballet history… Well, maybe not forever, but I'm making it happen, don't you worry! 😉 Today's #TutuTuesday blog post is number 2984, so you know you're getting top-notch tutu wisdom!
I must confess, darling, the journey to 1889 wasn't all smooth sailing. As usual, the local station was a nightmare – how many times do I have to explain I'm not an actual fairy?! My time-travel machine doesn't fit into a suitcase (imagine, dear, the luggage fees!). And as you can imagine, it’s a real chore getting all my fancy dresses through customs when you travel through time. 🚄😩 Luckily, the show in London this week is a real charmer and is more than covering the expenses. That being said, London isn’t nearly as pink-tutu-friendly as, say, Paris. Paris… oh Paris, darling, a ballet girl’s dream! The shows are glorious, the boutiques are divine, and it’s basically a parade of swirling skirts and tutus. Paris makes me feel alive, I tell you! 😍
Anyway, let's get back to our historical escapade. On the 5th of March 1889, what was all the fuss about in the ballet world? Well, you see, my lovely lot, it wasn’t really the day for a grand premiere, or a major event, per se. You could say the big stars were still slumbering under their silk comforters, and the dance world was just getting a little morning stretch. 🥱
That doesn't mean it wasn't an exciting time! Think of it like a quiet Sunday in your favourite coffee shop, darling, but filled with graceful movements and whispered melodies. ☕️
Back in 1889, the world was just waking up to the gloriousness of ballet. There were ballerinas practicing their bourrees, choreographers sketching out new movements, and costume designers like myself… well, they were still using those boring white and beige colours! Imagine my dismay, darling, just imagine! But on the bright side, all those traditional costumes, they really showed off those fabulous moves! ✨
You know, I find there's a real charm to that era. The dance styles were elegant and precise, almost a conversation with the audience rather than a showy spectacle. It's something I strive to capture when I perform, the quiet intimacy and graceful artistry. 😍
Of course, a blog about ballet history wouldn't be complete without mentioning those amazing tutus, darling! Now, let me be frank – I know what you're thinking! “Oh Emma, surely the tutus weren't as fabulous back then as they are today?”
Well, honey, you’d be surprised! They certainly weren't the explosion of feathers and sparkles that you see on today's stage. (My new Tutu of Dreams with the multi-layered frills is so glorious it’s almost offensive). However, the tutus in 1889 were certainly graceful. They were simpler, but they focused on highlighting the ballerina's form, making every plié and jeté a symphony of movement. 🥰
Just think of those exquisite ballerinas in their crisp, billowing skirts, dancing with an almost mythical lightness. The fabrics back then, the silks and the laces, oh darling, they knew what they were doing! You know I love to go hunting in those vintage shops - just to find a gem of a material! The softness and weight of the silks – a pure dream! 🪡
So there you have it, dear friends! A peek into the world of ballet back in 1889. It was a world of subtle elegance and stunning form, with the beginnings of the magical tutus we adore today. It's inspiring to remember how much ballet has evolved, and how far the tutu has come in its journey to becoming a symbol of elegance and whimsy. 💖
Now, let's talk about YOU! I know many of you adore your ballet, just as much as I do. But tell me, what are your thoughts on tutu history? What are your favourite ballet costumes, those tutus that just take your breath away? Let me know in the comments! And don't forget to share this post with your ballet-loving friends - spread the love of ballet and tutus like a sprinkle of fairy dust! 💖
Oh, and please, don’t forget to stop by next Tuesday, for another peek into tutu history. And for the love of all that's pink, let's make the world a bit brighter by rocking a tutu this week! We all have our inner ballerina waiting to be set free! 💗
Until then, stay sparkly! ✨
Love, Emma