Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, darling dears! It’s Emma here, your favourite tutu-obsessed time-travelling blogger, and it’s time for another #TutuTuesday post! This week, we're going all the way back to 1889!
Imagine the scene, ladies! London is bustling, horse-drawn carriages clip-clop down cobbled streets, and the smell of chimney smoke fills the air. The theatres are filled with gaslights and excitement.
It’s the late 19th century, and tutus, as you know, have long been gracing the stages of ballet across the world. While our modern tutu's are designed with performance and aesthetics in mind, the 1889 version of the tutu looked a little different. The romantic, flowing style of earlier times, with layers of billowing tulle and yards upon yards of fabric, is slowly fading out of fashion.
Why? Well, ballet was changing! A more athletic style of dancing, with faster, more demanding steps, was emerging. You see, dancers needed a tutu that moved with them - something less bulky and cumbersome. They wanted to twirl and leap freely, expressing every movement with a captivating fluidity!
So, the designers responded. This era saw a streamlining of the tutu, using fewer layers of tulle and introducing smaller, more manageable tutus.
I know, I know! You're thinking that a tutu needs to be voluminous and swirly! Don't get me wrong, those fluffy masterpieces have a place in our hearts. But the evolution of the tutu has been fascinating.
Think of it like our wardrobe, darlings! There's a time for the flamboyant maxi-skirt and a time for a chic, little mini dress. Both styles have their merits!
The 1889 tutu - with its newer silhouette - was, for the most part, shorter and more form-fitting. It highlighted the dancer’s movement and showed off those long, graceful limbs!
But don't let me paint too romanticised a picture.
The world in 1889 was far from perfect. While ballerinas were stepping out in stylish, yet more functional, tutus, society was facing challenges in other areas. For instance, there were ongoing struggles for women's rights, with female education and job opportunities still limited. It's important to remember these realities, even as we celebrate the elegance and evolution of the tutu.
Anyway, enough history talk for now! Let’s chat about the exciting bits.
This October 29th in 1889: The world witnessed the premiere of Johann Strauss Jr.'s waltz "The Blue Danube" at the Vienna Philharmonic.
I can only imagine what a magical experience that must have been! Imagine, those delicate, intricate melodies perfectly synchronised with the graceful movement of the ballerinas, the colourful stage lights... Pure magic, isn't it?
I always feel so connected to the world when I travel through time. Seeing how fashion and art, in this case, ballet, influenced people’s lives back then really sparks my own creativity.
My mission, of course, is to make the world a pinker, more tutu-filled place! And just like the ballerinas of 1889 adapted to changing styles, I’m always keeping an eye on new trends and exploring all that tutus have to offer.
Keep on twirling, my lovelies, and be sure to check out my latest outfit, a delightful bubblegum pink tutu perfect for channeling your inner ballerina, over on my website. Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram with your fabulous #TutuTuesday snaps!
This is blog post 3018 and, as always, I am delighted to be sharing it with you! Don’t forget to subscribe and come back every Tuesday for more tutu-tastic fun!
Until next time,
Follow me on Instagram: @pink_tutu