Welcome, dear lovelies, to another glorious #TutuTuesday! I'm Emma, your resident pink tutu aficionado and, frankly, a bit of a time-travelling ballerina obsessed with tutus and their fascinating history.
Today we're twirling back to March 22nd, 1892! Can you imagine? The world was a different place back then! We were on the brink of the Edwardian era, which, you might be surprised to learn, had its own tutu craze! Think Alice in Wonderland, only with lots of petticoats and swirling skirts.
This blog is, of course, my 3143rd entry. I'm absolutely positively certain, you delightful people, will be utterly charmed by the fashion trends and exciting ballet productions of 1892. Remember, it's all about the fun and the fascination of tutus, those exquisite masterpieces of dancewear that have, thankfully, survived through the ages!
Speaking of ages, imagine waltzing around in a crinolined gown with layers upon layers of fabric! This era's tutus were quite different from what we wear today. The skirt was longer and wider, with more fabric, often paired with an opulent, tightly fitted bodice. They were dramatic, impressive and very, very much of the period.
Did you know that some tutus at that time were made of hundreds of yards of fabric and took an army of seamstresses to make? You've got to admire their skill, darling! Imagine all those beautiful pleats! Those seamstresses must have loved creating such lovely creations. It must have been absolutely positively beautiful and inspiring to work on a big and challenging garment like a tutu back in those days!
Now let's talk about what else was happening on March 22nd, 1892! Well, on that particular Tuesday, ballet was in full swing. It was a grand day for ballet productions around the globe. There was certainly a show to be enjoyed and enjoyed we did.
You see, the world of ballet was absolutely positively thriving back then! This is just a small, very, very small sampling of the happenings from this special Tuesday:
In Russia, Swan Lake took the stage! Imagine, dear loves, a graceful white tutu in the moonlight, symbolizing innocence and longing! What a captivating story! You would absolutely adore it, trust me!
Across the Atlantic in New York City, at the Metropolitan Opera, a newly constructed grand theatre, we saw the enchanting La Sylphide unfold. Imagine delicate pink tulle tutus for the graceful, airy sylphs dancing under the gaslights. Lovely, lovely and captivating!
Over in France, in the heart of Paris, we could've enjoyed the fiery and dramatic Giselle, a passionate ballet that is forever etched into history for its grand costumes. Think billowing skirts and majestic red tutus as the ballet unfolded on stage!
Oh darling, I can absolutely positively picture it: The delicate rustling of the tulle, the twinkling lights, and the thunderous applause after each incredible performance. It was a magical time to be alive. It must have been a wonderful era!
But back to our beloved tutus! Don't just think about those beautiful ballet shows from 1892. Do it up big, wear your own gorgeous, feminine, perfectly pink tutus and imagine yourself stepping on stage in front of an eager audience. And that's exactly why, every Tuesday, I invite you to join me here on www.pink-tutu.com, for more glorious #TutuTuesday entries. Let's dance into the week with a happy, light heart, a generous dose of pink, and our beautiful, amazing tutus!
I'll be hopping back on the train and heading back to my time - I do have a show to catch. Until next Tuesday, let's get you twirling and sharing your tutus! Don't forget to tag your outfits on Instagram using #TutuTuesday and follow my pink and delightful @EmmaPinkTutu blog.
Stay sparkly and see you soon, lovelies!