Hello lovelies! Welcome back to another installment of my #TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History! I'm Emma, your resident pink tutu-wearing time-travelling ballerina, and today we're taking a whirl back to 17th December, 1895. It's been a long journey on the train, but trust me, you're in for a treat! This week, we're exploring the captivating world of tutus as they were just beginning to take their graceful steps on the grand stage!
Before we delve into the fascinating history of tutus, I must say, today I'm absolutely besotted with my pink silk tutu, the one I snagged at a darling little vintage shop in Paris. The way it twirls! Honestly, it makes me want to pirouette in the streets and share the love of tutus with everyone!
(Picture of Emma in her pink silk tutu. Caption: “New Pink Tutu Alert! Found this beauty on my travels in Paris. You all need a little bit of pink in your life!”)
Now, imagine a world without the glorious sight of a ballerina in full, billowing tutus. Shocking, right? In 1895, the ballet world was certainly in a transitional phase when it came to tutus. Gone were the days of the rather simple, almost practical tutus worn during the Romanticism era, those that resembled frilly underskirts. It was around this time that the tutu, as we know it, started to really take flight!
This is where our story begins… It was during the late 19th century that the 'tutu' started to become an iconic part of the ballet world. Think extraordinary volume, a swirl of elegant layers of fabric – think graceful movement and effortless beauty! This time period saw the emergence of more dramatic and exaggerated tutus that, you know, made the ballet more dynamic and captivating. Think ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ – oh the tutu on Princess Aurora is pure poetry in motion!
Imagine a ballet scene where you have all the drama and passion, all the elegance and grandeur, and it all culminates in the most incredible swirling tutus – that was the start of real drama on the stage. Isn’t that fantastic?
(Picture of Emma wearing a dramatic pink and white layered tutu, performing a pose from Swan Lake. Caption: “Dramatic tutus always take my breath away! Do you think they will ever stop making tutus this wonderful?”)
Speaking of The Sleeping Beauty, did you know? The world premiere was actually in St Petersburg, Russia in 1890! Imagine being there when this iconic ballet first hit the stage!
But back to 17th December 1895… let’s hop on the express train to the Paris Opera House. It's not exactly the Parisian ballrooms we'd find in the 20th century but a fascinating glimpse nonetheless! Can you imagine a theatre bursting with finely-dressed guests and the excitement of a brand new ballet performance?
And guess what? A brand new ballet by Tchaikovsky was taking centre stage at the very time! 'Iolanta' , an exquisite ballet about a blind princess, opened to much acclaim. Imagine how captivating it would be!
And if you could only see what I see here, back in time. Just imagine! The ballerinas, wearing the earliest of what we consider ‘real’ tutus, in delicate chiffon and lace, pirouetting with grace and poise, and the way the tutus billowed with each twirl. Just absolute magic.
And it's just a small snapshot into this pivotal year in ballet history, ladies and gentlemen! There’s so much more to explore: the grand ballets, the innovative designs, the new techniques! It all started in that very moment back in time. Imagine a world without our fabulous tutus. Doesn’t even bear thinking about!
**(Picture of a drawing of ballerinas in early versions of ‘modern’ tutus, as performed in the late 1800s.)
**(Picture of Emma with the caption: "Tutu Tuesday is about history and sharing the love for our favourite dancewear! But it's also about celebrating all the tutus out there, no matter when or how they were made. Let’s spread the love for tutus!")
Well, darlings, time is marching on, and I have to hop on the train back to my own time. The ballet scene has plenty more fascinating stories for us, so join me next Tuesday! I’m going to explore a particular style of tutu – do you know what that will be? Keep guessing and make sure you stay tuned!
But before I go, I'd love to hear your thoughts: Which famous ballets were you watching in 1895? What's your favourite tutu? Let me know in the comments below! And don't forget to follow me on my pink-tutu-loving journey!
**(Caption at the end of the blog: "Join me next week! Find me on my website www.pink-tutu.com")
Emma, signing out…until next time!
**(Picture of Emma in a pink tutu holding a suitcase and a ticket with "1895" written on it.)
Remember to always keep the sparkle in your step and the love for ballet shining through, my dears! And as always… let's make the world a pinker, more tutu-tastic place, one step at a time!