Ahoy there, dears! It’s Emma here, your resident tutu-tastic time-travelling ballerina, and today’s #TutuTuesday takes us back to the gloriously flamboyant 1890s. I've just stepped off the train from Derbyshire, my petticoats rustling with anticipation, to explore the bustling heart of Paris!
Paris, oh Paris! The very air seems to vibrate with the thrill of the latest fashions and a dazzling array of entertainment. Can-can kicks echoed through the boulevards, and whispers of daring new creations in the world of ballet fill the salons. Oh, the stories these walls could tell!
Now, let's dive into the enchanting world of tutus back in 1896, shall we?
The Dawn of the Tutu as We Know It
As many of you lovely ladies know, the tutu has evolved over time. It hasn’t always been the dazzling confection of tulle and silk it is today. Imagine my surprise, when stepping back into the late 1800s, I discovered the early tutus were a little different! Back then, they weren’t the full-length, billowing clouds of loveliness that make our hearts skip a beat. Imagine a ballet dancer in a skirt that ended mid-thigh, a skirt that would surely tangle and restrict their elegant moves! A tragic shame!
Thankfully, change was in the air! The "Romantic Era" of ballet, sweeping through Europe like a whirlwind of emotions, introduced the idea of longer, more ethereal skirts. The stage transformed into a dreamy realm, where tutus became floating, ethereal clouds, whispering of fairies, nymphs, and fantastical creatures. Talk about inspiring!
This movement towards longer skirts made a great deal of difference to the way dancers could perform. The freedom of movement brought about by the "Romantic tutu" revolutionised choreography, introducing more dynamic and flowing movements that brought life and story to the ballets. It also introduced the iconic tiered-tutu, those delightful rows of fluffy tulle creating an illusion of weightlessness and grace!
This period also marked the rise of the "Crinoline" a large, stiff, bell-shaped undergarment worn to give skirts a wide, billowing appearance. While it's not exactly a tutu, it certainly played a crucial part in creating the silhouette of a ballerina! Just picture this: a shimmering tulle skirt, billowing outwards, like a ballerina bathed in moonlight, ready to waltz into our dreams. Absolutely enchanting!
On This Very Day in 1896...
As I strolled through the bustling streets of Paris today, I found myself right in the middle of a ballet revolution. On this very day, January 14th 1896, the city buzzed with excitement over the premiere of a brand-new ballet! A revolutionary new dance with innovative costumes, intricate choreography, and most importantly – a* magnificent* new tutu! The whole town was buzzing with whispers of it! Oh, to have a peep through a theatre door! It was an absolute dream come true, being surrounded by such passion and excitement!
The very air vibrated with the anticipation of a groundbreaking new ballet. I’ve heard whispers of an innovative choreographer called "The Dancer of the 20th Century" with a wild passion for defying conventions, redefining tutu styles and injecting fresh vitality into the ballet world. Just thinking about it makes me want to rush to the nearest stage!
And to think, it all began with a little tweak, a whisper of a change in the form of the tutu!
Time Traveling Fun
Do you know, after taking my time travel "expedition", I must say I am deeply inspired by this magical journey! The world of ballet is a fascinating place, full of creativity and transformation! The tutu has travelled through time, just as I have, embracing change, evolving, becoming a symbol of beauty, and above all, grace.
So let’s give a cheer to all these phenomenal tutu moments, and remember, every single one has its own unique tale to tell! The tutues we see today stand on the shoulders of all those before them, paving the way for the wonderful evolution we can witness today. And let's not forget, we still have many tutu tales yet to write!
Until next time, my lovely ladies! I'm off to pick up a new pair of shoes! Do stay chic, and let your pinkest, fluffiest fantasies guide you through life!
P.S. You’ll be happy to hear that my pink tutu travelled beautifully with me and turned many a head, and it will surely be a favourite for a special dance later this evening. Why not give the Pink Tutu trend a try? Let your inner ballerina shine!
See you next Tuesday for a fresh #TutuTuesday, darling. Don’t forget to share your favourite tutu moments on the www.pink-tutu.com blog - we're all about the fluff here!
Until next time, stay bright and stay fabulous!
*Yours in pink, *
*Emma *