Tutu Tuesday TutuTuesday Every Tuesday a Ballet Tutu Since 1832

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1897-08-10

#TutuTuesday: Ballet Tutu History - 10th August 1897 (Post #3424)

Bonjour mes chéries!

It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu-clad time traveller and, most importantly, your guide to the fabulous world of ballet tutus! Today, we're heading back to a truly glittering era in ballet history: August 10th, 1897! I'm just off the train (first class, naturally!) from Paris where the fashion and ballet scenes are just electric!

Before I gush about my latest purchases (more on that later!), I have to share my latest tutu-tastic discovery. It's a tale that involves a certain legendary ballerina and the tutu most famous in history: the *"La Sylphide *tutu"! Now, as a devoted ballet fan (you could even say obsessed, but who doesn't love a little obsession?), the *"La Sylphide" tutu holds a very special place in my heart.

Back in 1832, the tutu, a creation of the designer Marie Taglioni, swept across the stages of the world. Now, imagine, this tutu, lighter than a whisper, with layers of delicate tulle fluttering about as Marie pirouetted with ethereal grace. Just imagining it makes me want to grab my own pink tulle and whirl about!

The La Sylphide tutu redefined what ballet could be, marking a true shift in dance aesthetics. Suddenly, ballet wasn't about heavy layers of satin, it was all about lightness, ethereal grace, and an enchanting feminine beauty. Talk about making an impression! And this isn't just my opinion. In 1897, this incredible tutu was still causing quite a stir in the world of dance! Imagine that - a tutu with such enduring power. It's a true testament to its genius, don't you think?

But enough about my fascination with historical tutus. As promised, I absolutely must talk about Paris. Oh darling, where do I even begin? It was such a whirlwind of fashion! I picked up the most exquisite, shimmering satin and lace that would put even the most extravagant butterfly to shame. You can trust your girl Emma to find the most decadent pink pieces.

We popped by a stunning ballet performance of course. And let me tell you, the tutus there were breathtaking. Imagine the grandeur of the Palais Garnier, with chandeliers gleaming, and then a flurry of beautiful tutus in every shade imaginable. It was simply magical! I almost wished I could have slipped onto the stage and joined them. But then again, I’d rather be wearing my own fabulous creation, wouldn't you? After all, pink tutus always trump stage lights!.

So what exactly happened on August 10th, 1897, you ask? Well, my dears, nothing quite as extravagant as my Paris escapade, but a lovely historical tidbit nonetheless. It was the anniversary of the legendary opera singer, Emma Albani’s birth. Known for her elegant voice and striking presence, she even appeared as La Sylphide, further solidifying this magnificent tutu as an iconic ballet piece. Don’t you just love a bit of ballet and opera cross-over? I certainly do.

But now I must rush off. I'm headed to Derbyshire to visit my family. The English countryside will be a stark contrast to Paris, but I always love catching up with my dearest ones. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll inspire some of them to embrace their inner pink tutu whilst I’m there! Wouldn’t that be divine?!

See you next Tuesday, my darling readers. Remember: it's not just about the tutu. It's about celebrating the dance, the elegance, the whimsical joy that a tutu brings. So put on your dancing shoes (or your favourite pair of ballet slippers!) and twirl, dear readers, twirl!

Until then, keep your tutu dreams big and your fashion fierce,

Emma x


#TutuTuesday #BalletTutuHistory #pinktutu #TimeTravelFashionista

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1897-08-10