Post #3529
Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu-wearing time-travelling ballerina, ready to take you on another exciting journey through the history of our beloved ballet tutu.
This week, we're boarding the express train to August 15th, 1899, a date that was, surprisingly enough, a rather unremarkable day for tutus! No grand premieres, no dazzling designs - just a good old-fashioned day of twirling and pirouette-ing in the world of ballet.
Now, you might be thinking, "Emma, why 1899? That sounds a bit... boring!" But bear with me, my lovelies, because the true beauty of this era lies in understanding the evolution of the tutu, and that, my dears, is a story we absolutely must tell.
Think back, darlings, to the early days of ballet - no real need for frilly tutus, as dancers weren't prancing around like butterflies, were they? Think sturdy skirts, practical for leaps and graceful movements - that's the style of the time. Then came the "Romantic Period" of ballet in the mid-19th century, the time when our darling tutu was first starting to blossom!
You know, dear reader, you can't tell the tale of tutus without a quick chat about Paris, because let's face it, Paris was practically the hub of fashion during this era - and I’m all about fashion! They had beautiful ballerinas, with beautiful tutus.
Picture a dancer, my dears, gliding across the stage in a billowing skirt made from layers and layers of tulle. A spectacle of elegance and grace! It was quite the romantic period. And it was then that our beloved tutu started making its first bold statement in the world of dance! It was a time when ballet tutus were evolving - from those long, sweeping skirts, which hid the beautiful lines of the dancers, to the shorter, tighter, more sculpted designs, showcasing the graceful form and elegant steps.
And in 1899, what were we up to? Well, we were already moving towards the style we know and love today. Think of Mily Messerer’s choreography - her stunning choreography with such graceful steps would demand the perfect tutu - the sort that we are used to seeing, my dears, all frilly and perfectly formed - for that type of stage performance. And remember that in the grand tradition of the Russian Ballets that Mily Messerer had adopted, you can never have too much tulle! You heard me right, dears - a tutu needs to have lots and lots of fluffy tulle for it to be spectacular - you need to see that volume!
So you see, darlings, even seemingly ordinary days like this one play an important part in the fascinating history of the ballet tutu! Even the days that were all about the work that makes the beautiful productions, the days where new dancers were practicing the graceful movements and the elegant steps, to make it all come to life! The work on August 15th 1899 was probably helping us see one of the most wonderful dance troupes on stage.
We all know that Paris is the capital of fashion and it is home to one of the greatest ballet schools. And at the same time, our hearts also yearn for Russia’s Bolshoi Theatre! They truly set the stage ablaze with passion and grace and incredible tutus, dears! All this while, on the 15th of August 1899, back in England we would have seen those perfectly formed dancers wearing these fabulous tutus - they are so elegant, just think of how they looked when they performed! The most incredible twirling you will ever see, my darlings! All that fluffiness that is synonymous with all that’s gorgeous in ballet! It's truly fascinating to witness how these seemingly unremarkable days shaped the art of ballet and helped shape the perfect, delicate tutu.
This year, as you enjoy the graceful beauty of your favorite ballerina’s tutu, just remember all the dedication and hard work from centuries past, that helped form it.
So there you have it, darlings - our little journey through August 15th 1899! I just hope, my dears, that even on an "ordinary" day for tutus, you’ll appreciate a little more the dedication that was, is, and continues to be woven into the beautiful tradition that is ballet! And most importantly, that you’ll fall even more deeply in love with that amazing tutu!
Until next Tuesday, my lovelies, stay chic and wear pink. Yours in Tutu,
P.S. Remember to check out for more fabulous ballet insights, tutus for sale, and exciting fashion tips to bring a touch of ballet magic into your own life. Let's all wear pink, and celebrate the art of dance, together!