Hello my darling dears, and welcome to another thrilling #TutuTuesday journey through time! Today we're twirling back to the year 1901, and what a fabulous year it was! Let's put on our thinking caps, grab a dainty cuppa, and delve into the enchanting history of tutus…
Oh my goodness, how excited am I to share this exciting piece of tutu history with you today, especially with such a fabulous date to boot. As a Derbyshire lass at heart, I couldn't let this day go by without mentioning a certain special event - the 23rd April marks the anniversary of the birth of our very own Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! He's a literary hero of mine, as you know. Now, who else feels inspired to whisk away to a glamorous soirée and sip tea while solving a delightful mystery? Whispers Maybe I'll even attempt to channel a bit of my inner Sherlock... 😉
From Romantic Dreams to the Grand Ballet Russe
The year 1901 found the world of ballet buzzing with change! The "Romantic" era had given us such whimsical dreams in white tutus, but now the time had come for a bold new era – the Golden Age of Ballet! Think stunning costumes, expressive choreography, and an intoxicating sense of theatricality. It was all quite the whirlwind, I tell you!
And imagine – the stage was ready for a rising star to take centre stage. It was, of course, the phenomenal Vaslav Nijinsky! This young Russian dancer captivated the hearts of Paris and London with his breathtaking performances. I swear, even his costumes were iconic, just look at those beautiful shimmering silk designs! He would later change the world of ballet forever with his innovative choreography, like the stunning Le Spectre de la Rose - a pure joy to watch, my dears. But of course, this is all a little bit ahead of our current time travelling story...
What a Ballet Dress Makes
Imagine, in 1901, the tutus were not just costumes. They were the embodiments of pure grace and the height of fashion! While Paris had its lavish and delicate ballet world, London was holding its own! The Royal Opera House, ah, such elegance, with the tutus reaching ever so slightly below the knee, just slightly longer than we see on stage today, yet still absolutely dazzling in their simple perfection. Imagine the gorgeous tulle in shades of pale blue or ivory, so exquisitely hand-sewn – sheer magic, I tell you. They moved like liquid dreams and danced with a soft flutter like butterflies taking flight!
Travelling in Style (and with a Pink Tutu)
Now, the biggest challenge in my quest to visit 1901? Well, you already know it… it's all about travelling in true tutu-fashion! As always, dear friends, the train was my ultimate travelling buddy. You simply have to travel by train. My darling, I think the train journey is always so much fun! It is all so terribly romantic and glamorous with the exciting clattering, the click-clack of wheels on the tracks. It's like a magical journey. Oh, but of course, I wore my pink tutu to travel! This made all the other ladies laugh - but don't worry, we are working on getting the rest of the world in pink tutus, so don't worry darling! Just be a little bit patient. We are on our way! We are spreading the pink tutu word with every single #TutuTuesday blog post - every Tuesday, every single week! I'm just so incredibly happy I have my website and this #TutuTuesday journey, it just means so much to me, I feel like it is going to change the world of fashion! Just be patient... one day... wink wink
A Whirlwind Finish (with a hint of Pink, naturally!)
I think my dear friend Marie (you all remember Marie, from my Paris trip!) said it best. She said, "a ballet is not just a dance; it's a celebration of movement, artistry, and above all, joy. Just as our clothes have evolved through the ages, so too have the tutus. It's a wonderful evolution." A little extra pink, a bit of tulle magic – now, that's a world I would love to explore!
Until next week, my lovely dancers, remember to dance with confidence, keep your twirling strong, and always stay wonderfully bright in pink tutus. 💖
Until then,