Hello my lovelies!
It's Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing, time-travelling ballerina blogger, and welcome back to #TutuTuesday, post number 3654! Today, we're jetting back to the glorious era of 1902. Can you believe it's already the 7th of January? Goodness, how time flies!
Let me tell you, London was buzzing with life, especially with the theatrical season in full swing. As always, my dear fellow ballet enthusiasts, the heart of all things graceful was the Royal Opera House. That's where the ballet blanc, the 'White Ballet', was being performed with exquisite elegance and beauty!
Remember the lovely Russian ballerina, Anna Pavlova? Well, she's only gone and created a truly breathtaking masterpiece. The Dying Swan, she's calling it. The sheer emotion in her movements, the exquisite detail in her costume, and oh! The feather-light way she glides across the stage, like a delicate swan taking her final bow… swoon. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the lovely pink hues of the setting - oh how it truly resonated with my inner ballerina spirit!
Now, when it comes to tutus, dear readers, 1902 was truly an exciting year for design. The Romantic era is very much alive and well! That's right - big fluffy, flowing tutus are very much in fashion, which I must admit, does fill my heart with joy! Think beautiful, voluminous tulle and lavishly embroidered fabrics with intricate details. They make me long for the days of silk, lace, and feathers, and to wear a grand skirt tutu that is so lavish and long, I can feel the swish as I turn!
I, of course, love all things pink! So imagine my delight when I wandered into a shop, just off the Covent Garden Market. A little Parisian boutique, tucked away and bursting with the most beautiful selection of pastel pink tulle imaginable! My darling! The colors! I'd need a week in there, at least! But of course, my budget was as tight as my lovely ballet shoes (new ones from Hovendon at last - I was a very happy ballerina!) So, I did the very practical thing. I popped in a few yards of pink and ivory tulle. You can never have too much pink tulle, darling!
Don’t think that means I haven’t been watching other colours this week. Pink may be my colour, but let’s not be too quick to disregard lavender, blush, peach, and a little sage green. Imagine my surprise, and delight, when I found the most divine blush-coloured tulle – perfect for my own interpretation of Swan Lake. Just a little bit of ballet history being brought right up to date, right? 😉
I confess, a bit of fashion shopping and catching The Dying Swan at the Royal Opera House took most of my precious time this week! But do you know what I do when I have very limited time in my fabulous new travelling Grand Prix?
Well, when I need a fast getaway and have been blessed with good weather, nothing makes my heart sing like catching a fast train from Derbyshire to London! Oh! the delights! Imagine the smell of hot, fresh-baked scones, steaming mugs of milky tea right before the carriages roar to life and carry us along the rails to the city. My journey may be quick but, my dear lovelies, it is a most enjoyable journey – it really allows my heart to skip a beat for those precious moments of quiet contemplation as I dream up all manner of beautiful ballets that one day, perhaps, I may be lucky enough to choreograph. I imagine myself spinning around The stage, my tutu billowing around me, and then the music…the magical music… Oh! This time travel life really has its moments don’t you think?!
Remember my darlings, this blog wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the extraordinary world of ballet. So, get out there and spread some ballet joy and perhaps a little pink wherever you go!
Oh, and before I go. My favourite book at the moment is "The White Silk Skirt," A fabulous look at Victorian ballet! So be sure to head over to Waterstones on your next journey.
Right, I'm off to plan my next exciting journey – and to add more pink to my ballet wardrobe!
Happy dancing! See you next #TutuTuesday, lovelies.
Emma * www.pink-tutu.com*