Hello dears!
It’s me, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-loving time traveller, Emma! I’m so excited for today’s Tutu Tuesday as we're whisking ourselves back to the vibrant year of 1904! This era, my darlings, was a truly fascinating time for fashion, dance, and of course, tutus!
From my lovely Derbyshire home, I’ve hopped on the most charming train carriage to bring you all the glitz and glamour of the era. Now, imagine this: Imagine London in August. A crisp morning, the air carrying the promise of afternoon tea and exciting news from the papers. Everyone is talking about the recent theatre season, especially the newly premiered musical called "The Merry Widow". This beauty was an absolute smash hit - oh, to have been there! You could practically hear the whispers of “That waltz! That stunning gown!” all around town.
Oh! I have such a treat for you today. Remember our Tutu Time Travel Time Line from the earlier posts, a visual map through history showing you all the big moments in tutu evolution? Well, in 1904 we see a HUGE shift, my lovelies, the rise of the Romantic era tutu! Think of graceful tiers, floating light chiffon, delicate layers, and even the hint of the first tutu-length variations. It’s practically ethereal! We’re moving away from the more rigid and heavily-constructed earlier versions and into a style that evokes a dreamlike atmosphere - simply perfect for showcasing graceful ballets.
Imagine Anna Pavlova pirouetting on stage in one of these creations! This truly magnificent ballerina, already a legend, was all the rage! Her light, graceful movements would have shone under the romantic lights of the Imperial Ballet at St Petersburg, a real palace of dance in its prime!
But don’t think this era was just all elegant tutus, oh no, my lovelies! The theatre was buzzing with other forms of performance too. Burlesque, oh so much fun! It was quite the wild thing, think racy costumes and satirical performances!
Remember the great vaudeville star Anna Held, with her iconic“White Gloves” song? A big hit, her shows had elaborate costumes – you just know a few tutus would have slipped in there for good measure. * * I must admit, while I’m drawn to the glamorous beauty of the romantic tutus, I do miss the playful touch of the early "ballet dresses"! They just had such a sweet and charming feel.
Of course, a time travelling fashionista always has to shop, right? I simply cannot resist checking out what shops would be open this time. In London, a place like "Debenhams" was a must-visit. Their Parisian fashions had a real wow factor and it would be such fun to find a pretty silk scarf and a feather boa to complement my favourite tutu!
Of course, a true fan of the era wouldn't leave the day without seeing a show, or maybe just enjoying an evening of dancing. Perhaps a visit to the famous* "The Alhambra", *a beautiful theatre featuring acts from singers, actors, dancers… the real stars of the era. And yes, tutus would most certainly be there!
That's it for our 16th August 1904 journey, but remember, my lovelies! The pink tutu world is always full of exciting news! Make sure you stop by www.pink-tutu.com every Tuesday and join me for more time-traveling fun and #TutuTuesday ! Until then, don't forget to spread some Tutu love with every graceful twirl you take.
With much pink love,
Emma, your Time Traveling Tutu Guru!