Helloooo darling dancers and tutu enthusiasts! Welcome back to my weekly dose of ballet tutu history – I'm Emma, your friendly, pink-tutu-clad time traveller from the year 2023 (but you already knew that, right?).
Today, let’s twirl back in time, my dears, to 7th June 1910, right here in Paris. Ah, Paris, the City of Lights, where romance hangs in the air like a beautiful, fragrant rose and where tutus were practically a fashion statement on every street corner! Honestly, just seeing those exquisite, billowing skirts make me feel like I've stepped onto the set of a silent film!
I love travelling by train. It's such a graceful and elegant way to move about. I must say, arriving in Paris is always a dream come true. I can feel the excitement buzzing in the air as the train pulls into the station – and who can resist a bit of Parisian window shopping after a train journey? Honestly, those hats, darling, just heavenly! It’s a delight just walking down the Champs-Élysées and spotting the latest fashions – all the finery, the exquisite lace, the feathers – just so chic! And I must confess, I do adore indulging in a little vintage fashion myself. There's something quite magical about holding a piece of history in your hands, especially when it's something so pretty. I have a rather delightful collection of silk sashes, oh, and vintage dance shoes! A girl's got to have her passions, right?
Tutued to Perfection: Fashionable Tutus in the TwentiesNow, you know how I've been telling you about the tutus' evolution through history? Back in 1910, tutus were in the midst of their glamorous golden age! You see, ballerinas weren’t quite sporting the full, billowing tutus we love today, but there was definitely a transition underway!
Think delicate layers, lighter fabrics, and a focus on showcasing the dancer's movements – those delicate, flitting movements – the elegance of it all, you see? This was the beginning of a really exciting change in ballet tutu design, darling. It’s like we're starting to see a ballet version of flapper dresses with their fluttering skirts. The style is still rooted in tradition, but with a touch of modernism thrown in. It's oh-so-stylish!
We see a more sophisticated shape with the introduction of the “tutu de mousseline” – a loose, flowing skirt, you see? Think swathes of gorgeous, flowing chiffon and the dancer’s graceful movements really coming alive as it all flutters. Oh, the magic! I simply adore this look. It’s perfect for those graceful spins and arabesques that ballerinas love to perform. Imagine all the twirls! Swoon!
Oh! And the colour? It’s a rainbow explosion – from the palest of pinks to deep royal blues and all shades of green, it truly was an era where colour became part of the ballerina’s expressive movements.
Just the other day, I stumbled upon the most delightful little boutique tucked away on a back street, near the Louvre – it was chock-full of silk scarves and vintage fabrics! And do you know what I found? – the most breathtaking tutu ever! A gorgeous silk, pale rose-pink number, just as beautiful as a sunset. Oh, the dreamy chiffon and exquisite lace trimming... Sigh!
Backstage Whispers of Ballet HistoryNow, while the fashion of tutus was absolutely blooming, so was the world of ballet itself! This was the era when the legendary Serge Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes was causing quite a stir in Paris, darling! These shows were known for their fabulous music, innovative costumes, and, of course, breathtaking dances – all the things I love! Diaghilev was such a creative force and so ahead of his time.
And guess what? Today, June 7th, 1910, the Ballet Russes debuted in Paris! The performance was none other than “ The Firebird” by Stravinsky. This music! Just thinking about it, you can almost hear those glorious, bold rhythms and hear the stage come alive with that fiery, exotic energy – just spectacular!
They performed in the Châtelet Theatre, darling! Just imagine that building – it was absolutely magnificent! I even found an old newspaper clipping mentioning the show – they were simply gushing with excitement about it, too! So many beautiful stories of those performances, the colourful stories of the music, the dance – just brilliant! A real triumph in the world of dance, you know. I’m still looking for a photo from that opening night. It's on my bucket list, for sure! I simply have to find it, it would make a sensational addition to my tutu collection.
I often dream of attending one of their performances. I think I’d just swoon right there on the stage! Can you imagine what those dancers, in those tutus, must have looked like beneath the dazzling chandeliers? I do adore a chandelier – especially when they are glittering and hanging over a stage where ballerinas are swirling!
Now, you'll have to pardon me while I get ready to go and watch a new performance this evening – I’ve secured the best seat in the house! Can you believe my luck? Well, darling, it's always been a little lucky – a little too lucky. Don’t ask! We can't talk about the details here on the blog! But suffice it to say that tutus, travelling, ballet shows and my fashion sense are what keeps my travel agency flourishing – let’s just say it's all tied together by my incredible talent and, let’s be honest, a generous sprinkle of time-travelling pixie dust! You’re welcome!
Don't forget, dearies, next Tuesday is another #TutuTuesday! Until then, I'll be off shopping for a new vintage hat and maybe another pink tutu – who knows? Perhaps I’ll find some fabulous, glittering shoes, just like they’d have had back in 1910. I know you are going to adore next Tuesday's post, so see you all then, darling! And don’t forget, keep that pink tutu dreams alive! You just never know when they might come true.
Emma, xoxo