Hello darlings! Emma here, back with another fascinating #TutuTuesday post! It's time for us to twirl back in time once more, to the shimmering year of 1911. Imagine, it's a brand new year, the frost is crisp on the window panes and the shops are bustling with people preparing for the exciting season ahead!
This week I'm travelling right back to Paris, that magical city of fashion and dance! It's no surprise that the year 1911 was bursting with vibrant performances at the glorious Opéra Garnier, a symphony of sound and movement that still echoes in my heart! The elegant grand ballet company, the Paris Opera Ballet, would have been in the thick of it, rehearsing tirelessly for their dazzling upcoming performances. I’d imagine them swirling in stunning tutus, each pirouette a delicate brushstroke in a vibrant masterpiece.
Speaking of tutus, this year saw a particular fascination with the romantic and airy tulle. Forget those stiff, structured tutus from the 19th century! Think lightweight and graceful. The era favoured soft layers of gossamer tulle, gently ruffled to create that exquisite, delicate cloud-like effect that truly made ballerinas look like ethereal fairies! You can practically hear the whispers of tulle against the grand Parisian air! I mean, have you ever felt that gentle tickle on your skin as you swirl around?
If I could turn back time, oh my, I'd be so eager to see a performance at the Paris Opéra! I'd dress in my best blush pink dress, my silk scarf tucked with a darling little bow, and wouldn’t dare go without my pink tulle ballerina pumps – after all, every lady in the audience would have a touch of something exquisite. And perhaps a jaunty pink hat adorned with a feather? One must never forget the detail!
Now, you wouldn’t find a single pink tutu on stage, not even a hint of the lovely colour! Pink was simply considered too bold for a ballerina in those days, they were mostly seen in shades of white, or perhaps a lovely, subtle lavender. Of course, that's what we would call a missed opportunity, but I'll be patient – one day everyone will be wearing pink tutus!
Speaking of bold, did you know the Paris Opera Ballet has a long and grand history? Think about it - 350 years of captivating the audience with dramatic tales spun out through beautiful, graceful, elegant dance! Now that's dedication. Now that's something to truly inspire! And of course, we can’t forget the magical effect that costumes have in drawing the audience into a world of wonder. It’s not only the dancing, the music and the sets – it’s also that beautiful array of colour and texture that draws us into the drama. Think about it, darling, if those Parisian ladies had all been wearing pink tutus! It would have been a veritable feast for the eyes, wouldn't it? A flurry of delightful colour as their beautiful costumes swirled with their exquisite dancing! Imagine it!
Perhaps it's a good thing we have our own style now – after all, everyone loves a splash of pink in our lives, don't they? Especially us fashionable folk. I wouldn't swap my fabulous, delightful, whimsical pink tutu for the world – it makes every ballet performance extra special. It's the secret ingredient to truly capturing the magic of this glorious dance!
Before I get carried away and start dreaming of future tutus (pink, of course!) let's quickly take a look at the Paris scene from this date, 17th January, in 1911! Imagine it! Paris is awash in a warm glow as evening descends. The aroma of croissants lingers in the air – it’s always tempting, I tell you! Imagine a beautifully styled salon , bustling with Parisians gathered for a charming social evening!
This was the time for charming conversation, enjoying elegant refreshments and perhaps even some light dancing! But nothing too demanding – not with the waltz being the dance of the moment! There are certainly some ballrooms bustling with eager dancers, and the fashion there would be absolutely spectacular, all shimmering silks and feathers, of course! It’s all a touch too delicate for a simple girl like me, I'm quite happy twirling in my tutu in the open air!
Ah, time is already flitting away and I simply must share my absolute favourite Parisian shop to buy all things delicate and whimsical: the Maison Lesage. This shop was the destination for the finest lace and embroidery. They created exquisite works of art in fabric that became a staple for the haute couture and for ballets too! Their craftsmanship and beauty left everyone breathtakingly amazed. Their embroidered costumes for dancers were a symphony of colour and delicate fabric that simply made the Parisian ladies gasp in delight!
Oh darling, I simply must dash – my time travelling clock is already tick-tocking. But don't worry – I'll be back next Tuesday with another Tutu Tuesday full of all things beautiful, ballet-related and of course…PINK!
Until then, don’t forget to keep twirling those tutus!
Remember, darlings, to share this with all your friends who love tutus too. Let’s spread the love for dance, colour and a little dash of Parisian charm!
Keep the pink swirling and the stories flowing.