Post Number: 4561
Hello my darling Tutu Twirlers! Welcome back to another Tuesday, and of course, another dive into the whirlwind of tutu history. Today we’re twirling back to the glorious year of 1919 – a year of reconstruction and renewal, where the world was starting to find its footing again after the Great War. You know, just like how we all feel when we’re perfecting a new pirouette, right? 😊
I’m Emma, your resident pink-tutu-clad time traveller, ready to share my adventures in all things tutu! As always, you can find my blog every Tuesday on, your one-stop shop for all things tulle and tulle-related!
But enough about me – let's journey back to May 27th, 1919. London, my dear, is buzzing! The city’s heart beats with a renewed rhythm, and the theatres are packed with those eager for some light relief and a good dose of escapism. And, darling, what better escape than a balletic journey to far-off lands, fuelled by the whispers of beautiful music and the grace of perfectly-executed moves?
Oh, how I wish I could be standing amongst them! Just imagine: the hush falling over the audience as the lights dim. The curtain rises, revealing the dazzling spectacle of dancers adorned in breathtaking tutus – the fluffy ones! Remember, darling, 1919 is all about voluminous tutus, like billowing clouds of elegance. Think multiple layers of soft tulle, giving a truly magical silhouette – just the sort to make even the most un-tutu-inclined amongst us feel like we're floating on air!
So, on this day in 1919, what's stealing the hearts of the London audiences? It's the stunning production of ‘The Sleeping Beauty’, choreographed by the legendary Marius Petipa. The Imperial Ballet was in town for a tour, you see, and it was the highlight of the season – an absolute triumph, darling!
Just picturing the ballerinas – graceful and light, their tutus billowing around them, each step a perfectly controlled ballet step. Imagine the scene – the stage bathed in the soft glow of the chandeliers, with the twinkling music taking over the whole room… oh, my heart flutters just thinking about it! And what's more, dear readers, this performance was packed to the brim. It truly captured the essence of that time, and its love for a truly romantic, fairytale ballet like ‘The Sleeping Beauty’.
But, back to my journey – what has this all to do with tutus, you might be thinking? Well, you see, the beautiful ballerina who took the role of Princess Aurora was a real beauty – a darling of a dancer named Anna Pavlova. Yes, dear reader! And, do you know what was special about her? This is a secret that only a time-travelling tutu enthusiast would know – Anna wore a tutu that was inspired by the graceful and delicate flowers of the season!
She called it her ‘Flower Tutu’. The designer, by the name of Carl, wanted the tutu to evoke a sense of the garden, and he added flowers - real flowers - like lavender, lilies, and roses – carefully placed around the tutu for that added special touch! Imagine! A touch of nature in her elegant attire!
Sadly, you can't visit museums filled with tutu fashion shows – yet! Imagine it: a whole exhibition about the different types of tutus that have been gracing the stage for centuries! However, dear Tutu Twirlers, if you were lucky enough to visit Anna Pavlova in her dressing room in the grand Victorian Theatre at this time, you might just see this beautiful and ‘very in-fashion’ flower tutu hanging gracefully upon its hanger.
Ah! If only we could bring these historical fashion gems to life in the 21st century! Can you imagine walking the streets of Derby in a vintage ‘Flower Tutu’, attracting glances and compliments from anyone who can witness its ethereal loveliness? A real head-turner, don't you think? I must start making plans!
Until next Tuesday, darling readers, don’t forget to stay elegant! Keep your tutus at the ready, keep those dance shoes shined, and don’t forget to twirl and be fabulous!
Lots of love, Emma xxx