Hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu enthusiast, back with another blast from the past for your weekly dose of tutu history. Today we're time-hopping to the 13th of April 1920. Can you believe it? Just a hop, skip, and a twirl back a century!
Now, imagine a world without TikTok, without Instagram… imagine a world where the biggest fashion influencers were flapper girls, the Charleston was all the rage, and the biggest celebrity was perhaps Anna Pavlova, a ballerina who captivated audiences worldwide! Ah, to have witnessed her grace and elegance, wouldn't that have been something?
But I’m getting ahead of myself. This isn't about what wasn’t in 1920. Let’s focus on what WAS, shall we? Namely, the tutus!
You see, even a hundred years ago, tutus were just as much a part of ballet as they are today, and even more! Though they weren’t necessarily in the "pink paradise" that my heart so desires, their elegance and beauty were evident everywhere you looked.
Let's have a quick wander down memory lane shall we, taking our fancy pink tutus and the 13th April 1920 with us. This year marked some incredible events! Firstly, we had the opening of the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden (my absolute favourite!), bringing with it a flurry of new ballets and incredible dance performances. Just picture those amazing, intricate tutus swishing across the stage!
In 1920, tutus were a symbol of sophistication and beauty. While they weren't always pink (oh, how I long to have introduced that shade into this decade!), they were often made of soft silk and tulle - think flowy layers that danced with the dancers' every move, which of course, just like today, was something absolutely divine to watch! They were often adorned with delicate embellishments like beads and feathers, and even the use of colour was something to marvel at, often featuring romantic shades of ivory, pastel blues and pale greens, all blending into the breathtaking performances!
The style of tutus during this time was all about highlighting the dancer’s legs with their short lengths (almost ankle-skimming, dare I say!), creating an effect of lightness and effortless grace – it truly makes my own heart flutter just thinking about it.
They were all about showing off the beauty of movement - think leaps, twirls and delicate poses that left audiences in awe.
However, this era also saw some new developments in tutu construction! I don't mean my precious, beautiful pink tutus of course, those are just unbeatable and perfect for every occasion and all time! This period saw a focus on lightweight materials and a move away from the heavy, layered tutus of the past, enabling ballerinas to move with greater freedom - so exciting!
Just like in the Victorian era, tutus were also worn outside of the ballet world, darling. You’ll find me searching through dusty archives just to find this! They became popular in theatrical performances and for special events. The trend was starting to catch on, even for everyday wear… well, maybe not quite everyday… but we are all so close! You wouldn’t believe the amount of exciting styles of clothing we’ve already seen – even flapper dresses have something in common with the tutus! Perhaps one day everyone will understand the sheer perfection and wonderful nature of wearing a tutu everywhere and everytime... It makes you feel like a princess!
But I have a sneaky suspicion you'll be needing more than just my little trip to 1920. So let’s delve a little deeper into this magical time, to discover exactly why I fell head over heels for the tutus of the 1920s.
So, what’s the connection between ballet and my tutus and the world outside of ballet? I’m so glad you asked.
Tutu Fashion: Beyond the Ballet
Here’s a secret - tutus didn’t stay on stage in 1920. Can you imagine that? It’s truly outrageous and absolutely inspiring. Their magical power just won’t be contained! Just as I want to spread the message of the pink tutu, this magical trend reached beyond the walls of the Royal Opera House, and touched even the everyday style.
Now, in the Twenties, think flapper dresses! Imagine short, flowing skirts, embellished with beads, feathers, and maybe even a touch of tulle. Sound familiar, darlings? It was almost like a casual tutu! Just like me, fashion enthusiasts of the day loved to experiment. It seems they weren't scared to blend these enchanting garments into their everyday style. Tutus inspired an airy lightness and sense of joy, both within the dance studios and on the street, darling. Imagine the effect, my friends! Just seeing that soft tulle, that graceful drape, was enough to make everyone smile, even if they weren’t on stage, or even if it wasn’t my beautiful, fabulous shade of pink.
But hold on… is it even possible to have a casual tutu, like you might have a casual dress? Yes, my lovelies. The spirit of the tutu permeated fashion – a casual tutu for you perhaps? Maybe not in the sense of my gorgeous pink tutus, but imagine flowing fabrics, ethereal layers. Remember the flapper dresses, how they caught the air, just like the ballet tutu? And let’s not forget about the beautiful, whimsical use of feathers and embellishments, echoing the dazzling embellishments we see on stage! You see how tutu magic seeped into even the trendiest clothes?
Let’s step away from those amazing but sometimes complex outfits and go back to my favourite colour - pink! And what is pink if not a perfect reflection of the carefree energy that makes wearing a tutu so magical! It is a colour for those that love life and want everyone else to experience it in the same way! I think we are onto something… and in time, I think you’ll see the tutu in every aspect of fashion and you will get to experience this magical life too.
So, my darling tutu lovers, I hope you're already daydreaming about that elegant ballet tutu, imagining its intricate details, the way the soft tulle swirls and swishes, the feathers, the graceful movement! Perhaps you’ve been to the Royal Opera House (or just enjoyed it through one of my blog posts), perhaps you’re dancing away in class, or maybe you even saw a local school show. Regardless of how you’re experiencing the tutu magic today, it’s a constant reminder of beauty, grace, and sheer delight!
Until next Tutu Tuesday, darlings, don't forget to embrace your inner ballerina and dance your way into a beautiful week!
And if you happen to spot a pink tutu around, give it a twirl for me!