Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-wearing time traveller! And this Tuesday's #TutuTuesday is a bit special – we're going back to May 31st, 1921! My time machine's packed, my pinkest tutu is shimmering, and my suitcase is bursting with Parisian chic, ready to explore the dance scene of a century ago!
Now, imagine a world without "La La Land," where the closest you get to tap dancing on a Hollywood set is a bit of "kick-your-heels-up" fun at the local theatre. It’s a time when the world of ballet was truly an exclusive one, and the idea of street dancing? Well, that was practically unheard of.
This week, I'm taking us all on a delightful trip to Paris, a city steeped in elegance and, you guessed it, tutu history! It's the place where, around this time, a young, rebellious and talented dancer named Sergei Diaghilev was making waves with his Ballets Russes. Imagine vibrant costumes, avant-garde choreography, and groundbreaking storytelling that would change the world of ballet forever!
Imagine being in the audience on May 31st, 1921! There I am, all flouncy pink tutu and sparkly eyes, gazing in awe as the dancers whirl around in elaborate, decadent costumes that probably cost more than a whole year's worth of ballet lessons! I would have been so overwhelmed with the costumes – they were just simply divine! The men would have been looking dapper in their tights with gorgeous leotards, too, although perhaps not quite as fabulous as my own! You see, even in 1921, my friends, a tutu is a symbol of liberation, a testament to the power of self-expression, a reminder to be playful and carefree, and you'll see - these dancers embodied all of this!
Let's take a little peek at what’s happening around Paris today:
A Fashion Fix: Coco Chanel is at the peak of her fashion reign, introducing the chic, boyish look that's sending fashion circles into a frenzy. Thankfully, even then, nothing compares to the graceful sway of a gorgeous ballerina in a flowing tutu.
A Train Adventure: This is the golden age of railway travel, and I, a fellow train enthusiast, can't resist the lure of a romantic train journey through the French countryside.
Cultural Hubs: The Sorbonne, the iconic University of Paris, is buzzing with bright minds, seeking knowledge and exploring the world around them.
This journey has given me so much inspiration - it's important to remember that fashion is a language, a way of expressing ourselves. A tutu tells a story, even if it's simply one of a love for dancing, and that story is always captivating. I believe that wearing a tutu can give you that spark of confidence. It allows us to be bold and express ourselves with joy!
I'm always fascinated by how even 100 years ago, there were incredible artistic breakthroughs! The world of fashion, art, and dance are intimately intertwined - a swirling, fabulous tapestry woven with creativity, expression, and the sheer love for art in its purest form. I can't wait to share my journey with you every Tuesday!
See you next week darlings, and don’t forget to twirl!
#TutuTuesday #BalletHistory #PinkTutuLife #TimeTravelingEmma #Paris #1921
P.S: This is post number 4666 on my www.pink-tutu.com blog! I hope you're enjoying my tutu journey! Keep those comments and questions coming - I'm always delighted to chat. Let me know where I should time travel next, I'm always happy for a new adventure!
Emma, The Tutu Time Traveller.