Hello my darling dears! Emma here, back with another installment of your favourite Tuesday treat: #TutuTuesday! Today, I'm whisking us away on a fabulous journey back to 11th April 1922 - oh, how I do love a bit of time travel! But hold onto your tutus, this journey promises a whirlwind of history and fashion!
Now, you see, 1922 was a most exciting time for ballet - think Charleston dances, flapper dresses, and an air of daring newness. And just like my fellow fashionable ladies back then, I couldn't resist adding a little something special to my wardrobe - a magnificent, powder pink tutu! You just know I couldn't be anywhere near a fashion revolution without embracing it in style!
As I landed in the heart of Parisian theatre, the air was buzzing with anticipation for a performance by the legendary Diaghilev Ballets Russes. The Ballet Russes was at the forefront of artistic innovation and brought the world an entirely new dimension of ballet. The founder, Sergei Diaghilev, was a true visionary. This company pushed the boundaries of classical ballet and made such a difference in ballet's journey towards where it is today! Now, let me tell you, their tutus weren't your typical fluffy creations. Think a touch of Parisian chic mixed with the drama and grace of a bygone era! They experimented with new materials, like silk and lace. These beauties, these new and more revealing tutus, gave the dancers an undeniable air of freedom, elegance, and modernity, just like the fashionable Parisian women. And oh, the colours! Just wait until I show you what I managed to pick up in the grand Palais-Royal, nestled among the haute couture.
I have to tell you, there's no place like the Grand Palais-Royal in Paris for a tutu shopper like myself! As I danced through the aisles, it was like walking through a dazzling display of colours, silks, and lace. You know how I adore pink, and my eyes lit up at the sight of a delicate blush pink chiffon tutu that I knew was coming home with me! Imagine a cascade of feathers and ruffles around a satin bodice. Perfection, right? You bet it was - enough to give the entire Parisian society a run for their money!
I could almost hear the tinkling piano melodies echoing through the Grand Palais, my mind already visualizing myself on the stage in that Parisian masterpiece. Just picture me pirouetting to the haunting sounds of Igor Stravinsky's compositions. I even spotted an original print of "The Rite of Spring", a musical composition that turned ballet on its head in its time! Talk about revolutionary.
And, you wouldn't believe what else caught my eye: a delightful display of vintage ballet posters - so many shades of purple, lilac, and a stunning shade of green! These posters were bursting with vibrant imagery of the iconic ballets of the era: “The Firebird,” "Scheherazade," and "Petrushka”. What treasures!
The most striking of all was a captivating image from "Petrushka." I was transfixed by the stark, almost melancholy image, full of contrasting hues of blues and oranges. It encapsulated the raw emotional essence of the ballet itself. Oh, the beauty of it all!
After a day spent soaking up Parisian grandeur and all things tutus, I knew I needed to bring my fashion findings back home to Derbyshire, where I am based. A delightful journey in a vintage, luxurious train carriage - a journey fit for a tutu-loving ballerina!
So, my dears, keep checking in for my #TutuTuesday posts every Tuesday at www.pink-tutu.com. And as always, remember, the world is waiting to be filled with the joy and elegance of tutus!
Keep dancing, keep sparkling, and above all, keep pink!
Love, Emma
P.S. And do share your #TutuTuesday photos with me on Instagram! I just adore seeing all your fantastic tutu creations.