Hello my lovely tutufarians! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet where tutus are always the main attraction. I'm Emma, your resident pink tutu-wearing, ballet-loving time traveller. This Tuesday we're whisking back to the roaring twenties, a decade of jazz, flappers, and, of course, the fabulous evolution of the tutu!
Let me just tell you, travelling back in time is exhausting - but so worth it, especially when it involves seeing a new tutu design! My latest adventure landed me right here in Paris, the undisputed capital of the ballet world in 1923. Picture it, cobblestone streets, charming cafes, and the thrill of seeing a performance at the Paris Opera! Just divine!
But, of course, I was more interested in the fashion.
Oh, how those ballerinas sparkled! Forget those stuffy Victorian designs. The 1920s were all about freedom, expression, and most importantly, shortness!
You see, tutus have always been about showing off the ballerina's lines and graceful movements. The 1920s took this to a whole new level. Gone were the bulky, full-skirted tutus, and in came the ‘tutu à la Française’ - a simple, streamlined design that really emphasised the elegance of the female form. This "new" look was about being more lightweight and giving more freedom of movement. It allowed the dancers to showcase their agility and control - the stars truly were able to shine.
This September 25th, the air buzzed with excitement as the Parisian ballet scene anticipated the premiere of **"La Princesse Volante" at the Opera. Can you imagine? I was absolutely besotted with the beautiful tutus worn by the dancers! They had dazzling beaded embroidery and were the perfect combination of classical grace and 1920s boldness.
Speaking of Parisian fashion, I must confess I got totally carried away shopping. Oh, the vintage boutiques, overflowing with stunning designs! I bought a stunning emerald green dress with tassels, just like a modern dancer's outfit, which is my latest addition to my tutu wardrobe!
But let's talk tutus for a moment. There’s something about these frothy little creations that brings out the feminine side of me. Whether it’s the soft tulle, the swirling patterns, or the sheer romanticism that they embody - tutus just scream joy and dance!
You might be wondering how I fund all this travelling, right? It’s actually rather simple. The magic of the ballet always finds a way. Each trip, I give charity performances, dazzling the locals with a little bit of Derbyshire magic, and using the earnings to buy my tickets to my next ballet-filled adventure. And my favorite thing to do in any town I visit is go and watch a ballet show. It’s amazing how the magic of the dance never changes, but the tutus are forever evolving!
Now, I know some of you are thinking "I wouldn't be caught dead in a tutu!". But just think about it - wearing a pink tutu is about confidence, it’s about embracing your inner child, and most importantly, it’s about having a little bit of fun. So next time you’re feeling a little bit blah, why not throw on a tutu, put on some music, and dance it out?
Who knows, you might just rediscover a whole new level of joy within yourself.
Until next week, keep on dancing and keep those tutus twirling!
Yours in tutus,
Emma x