Bonjour, my fellow Tutu-ettes! Welcome back to, your one-stop shop for all things pink and pirouette!
This week, I'm whisking us away on a whirlwind journey through time, to a Paris brimming with Belle Époque glamour. We're hopping onto the Orient Express (think chic carriages and the finest champagne) and stepping off in 1926, a year of dazzling dances, revolutionary fashion, and, of course, a whole lot of tutus!
It's Tuesday, and that means #TutuTuesday. And oh, how I adore the way the world dressed for the ballet in those golden days. It's a bit like being whisked away to a fancy dress ball! Imagine long, flowing skirts with shimmering sequins and feather boas that look like clouds in motion. Imagine lace that is as delicate as gossamer threads, and hats that resemble works of art! Imagine, my dears, the absolute magic of tutus in this era!
We're talking about a time when ballet was less about perfecting those pesky double pirouettes, and more about a graceful spectacle, full of charming storylines and elegant costumes. Back in the 1920s, even the tutus themselves were different! Gone were the billowing, fairytale-like layers of earlier times, and in came sleek, streamlined silhouettes. Tutus had evolved from those billowing cloud-like gowns, and started to hug the body in soft, almost Grecian drapes. Imagine something soft and sensual, crafted to flow with the music and illuminate the stage!
Remember that incredible scene in The Great Gatsby with Daisy in her glittering dress? That's exactly the kind of chicness I’m talking about. This decade had it all, glamour and flair mixed with just the right touch of sassy nonchalance.
So what’s special about May 25th, 1926? Oh, just a small event in Paris! A certain, dare I say legendary, ballerina was in her prime! She danced in that classic Russian ballet "The Sleeping Beauty," creating a stage-stopping vision in an array of opulent gowns, with tutus as white and fluffy as the most ethereal snow. Yes, it's none other than Anna Pavlova, a true tutu-queen and inspiration to us all!
Even though her performance was at the Opera Garnier, Paris, my dearest ballet-loving readers, think of the magic of getting dressed for the opera on May 25th, 1926! Imagine yourself, swathed in the finest silk, maybe a whisper of velvet, and topped off with a stunning feather hat that could rival the fanciest plumage. And the tutu? Let's just say, pink, of course!
Now, I may be a tad biased towards the colour pink, but imagine the perfect Parisian scene on that May day: delicate pink tutus swirling under the stage lights, creating a symphony of motion and elegance, perfectly embodying that delightful joie de vivre! It’s a picture that truly inspires my own love of the art form!
And remember, I may be a Derbyshire girl at heart, but there’s nothing quite like Paris! But fear not, my fellow ballet buffs, as this Tutu Tuesday post is not about my dreams for Paris alone! As much as I enjoy all things Parisian, the point of Pink-Tutu is about inspiring you all to take a chance on wearing tutus!
This is what I do - every Tuesday I hop in my pink-tutu-emblazoned time machine and travel to a new date in tutu history, hoping to bring you along with me. And with every journey, my mission stays the same - I want you all to slip on a pink tutu, unleash your inner dancer, and add a touch of whimsical elegance to your own lives! The world needs more pink tutus, my dears, so let's spread the joy of ballet with a twirl!
As always, keep dancing, keep dreaming, and keep it pink!
PS: You'll find links to all my favorite Paris-themed fashion shops below. And remember to check out my previous posts - we've been on some fabulous journeys through time already!
PSS: Please share your own #TutuTuesday memories with me. I’m always eager to hear about your own ballet experiences, your favorite performances, and your own personal Tutu Tuesdays.
Follow us on social media for a pink-tutu filled fashion frenzy! * *
And remember, darling, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that pink tutus will always be the most dazzling accessory in any era!