Hello my darling tutufolk! Welcome back to another edition of my #TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History blog! It's your girl, Emma, ready to take you on a trip through time, all wrapped up in tulle and sprinkled with sparkle! Today we're whisking ourselves back to 31st May 1932! Now, hold onto your tiaras, darlings, because things are about to get fabulous!
This week, I'm hopping aboard a glorious train journey, which seems to be the way to travel back in time from my little Derbyshire cottage! This is a magical mode of transport, where you can imagine yourself transported straight out of a film and onto a stage! All this is part of my latest venture - being a time travelling ballerina blogger, you know!
Before I do my ballet-related bit for the day - you know me, a bit of fashion and theatre is always on the agenda, so where shall we be stepping into our magical time travel this time?!
I'm currently at the very stylish Paris Opera House for the next two weeks. Did I mention that tutus were very much in vogue during this era? They’re making their glorious debut on Parisian stages with absolutely every single ballet, and you bet, they’re totally stealing the show! And darling, have I found a shop here on the Rue de la Paix, which has all the beautiful lace and silk I need to create a perfectly chic ballet-inspired frock. (There are more dresses in that shop, it's a ballet fan's dream!)
Back to 31st May 1932…
Today in ballet, there's a gala premiere of "Le Sacre du Printemps," (aka The Rite of Spring). The choreography, created by Vaslav Nijinsky is as avant-garde and daring as they come - just wait till you see it, darlings, you will love it, I'm so certain! You must check it out if you can! If the dress was worn with ballet shoes, the dresses at the ballet would be stunning - what I would do to have been at this show!
Speaking of ballerinas and tutus - can we just talk about the style? A truly dazzling affair - the ballerinas of 1932 are captivating in their silk and satin frocks, paired with delicately crafted, and whimsically billowing, tutus! You simply must try this, dear, at the ballet this week - take a look! If you have ever seen a beautiful ballerina dress, the one in The Rite of Spring will blow your mind.
There's a special something in the air today, I can just feel it! The air is buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the evening's grand ballet, The Parisians are always up for a dazzling night out - you know me! You simply can't find the equivalent for an atmosphere as glorious as the Parisians at the ballet, they bring the party to life - there's something magical in the air, something fabulous about seeing it in action. I'm in absolute awe of Parisian energy; everyone so very beautifully dressed and adorned in gorgeous jewellery and accessories! Every single person knows exactly what's in style. I even spotted an extremely flamboyant opera coat. The opera is always the spot for high society and everyone will have chosen a top of the range and dazzling attire.
Shopping & Style
I have been on a hunt for beautiful tutus for all of you darling readers - there's nothing like finding something truly special, and, if you are lucky, there are even some stunning silk skirts to make you twirl in perfect ballet style!
Just imagine me on the floor at the Parisian shop, getting stuck into all the gorgeous silks, linens, lace, and other amazing textures… the shops here in Paris just take my breath away. What you have in your shopping bag right now is something for your next outfit, for next time you are at the ballet, and your next performance too - the very same gorgeous fabrics and silk as used to make all the beautiful clothes that I have seen today, which includes all those fab dresses for The Rite of Spring! It's very trendy to wear ballet themed clothes, I've heard people at the opera and the shop, who are wearing a mix of modern day wear with, say, an amazing pair of lace gloves. It's what everyone is doing now in Parisian fashion circles. (Don’t worry darling, I’ve added a link for all the best Parisien style magazines of the day - you have got to check them out, they’ll make your imagination dance! )
If you’re ready for something different to look at to give your creative side a ballet-themed twist, check out the fabrics I’m sharing on the blog this week. My absolute favourite thing about finding these pieces for you to make yourself are these divine little bouclé jackets in cream or pale peach which make the perfect look for going to a ballet performance. And darling, look at those incredible satin bows I spotted, what perfect finishing touches.
This blog's a tad longer than normal - so thanks for reading all this! Have a wonderful #TutuTuesday! See you next week, my dears!
Stay chic, and never stop twirling!
With love,
Emma 💖