Hello, lovelies! Welcome back to your favourite #TutuTuesday, coming to you live from… well, let’s just say somewhere a little bit further afield than my usual Derbyshire stomping ground. I wouldn’t dream of spoiling the surprise, but suffice to say I’m absolutely besotted with the fashion, the flair, and the vibrant atmosphere of the city I’ve been lucky enough to stumble upon!
As always, I’m thrillingly transported back to the year 1934 today, the very year when those wonderful tulle-lovers, The Ballets Russes de Monte Carlo - yes, I know, it’s a mouthful! - embarked on their grand, much-anticipated US tour. Talk about a big bang! And just so you know, my grand entrance tonight will be even bigger - and in a shade of pink, naturally.
It's not just my pink tulle-clad-self that’s getting in on the action today, because on this date, 13th March 1934 The Ballets Russes premiered The Nightingale, a dreamy ballet based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. Imagine this: dancers in spectacular, jewel-toned costumes, a haunting score by Igor Stravinsky… sheer, utter magic!
Dancing into a New WorldOf course, the real star of the show (after myself, naturally) is the magnificent tutu. But how we’ve come a long way from its humble beginnings! In the late 19th century, the ballet tutu, so iconic now, was a simple skirt of soft white fabric - a little more of a ‘basic white T-shirt’ than the grand design you know and love today!
What changed everything? Enter Diaghilev, a name to whisper reverently, for this was the man who revolutionized ballet in Russia. He gave us The Ballets Russes, the world’s most ravishing ballet company. They embraced the fantastical, the daring - everything, darling, everything! And that brought with it a dazzling array of tutu-centric wonders: the very beginnings of the tutus we know and adore today!
Now, as far back as The Sleeping Beauty, our tutu pioneers were pushing the boundaries. With each new production, it wasn’t just what we wore, but how we wore it. Gone was the flat, uniform skirt! Gone were the plain, the uninspired. Now, a graceful hierarchy took its place: layers, fluffiness, a riot of colours and patterns! And even now, this incredible revolution continues to ripple through the world of dance!
A Parisian Dream - All about the Tutus, Darlings!So, in Paris - always a hotbed of stylish invention - the Russian Ballets, full of audacious beauty and elegance, created a brand-new world. The tutu became a thing of wonder! A canvas for dazzling artistry, a symbol of pure feminine delight!
From the simplest of silk to a kaleidoscope of frills and feathers, it was, and continues to be, a beautiful reminder of dreams. A symbol of grace and lightness! I am so proud to have lived, and to live again, in a time when everyone - men, women, children - loves, adores, idolizes the ballet, the costumes, and above all, the tutu!
Think swirling, think twirling, think gleaming, and of course, pink, all in the name of a world in motion, the world of ballet!
*But I haven't told you everything about my travels today… stay tuned, darlings, for more delightful revelations! *
An Evening of Wonder and WhimsyAfter a delightful afternoon of shopping, of course (it’s so difficult to resist a tutu - even I buy the odd one, sometimes!), the real treat arrived in the form of the show itself! The Ballets Russes, and The Nightingale, a performance of pure, unadulterated magic, so full of exquisite grace and expressive talent. And of course, all my very favourite costumes.
It seems 1934 is truly the era of the tutu! The Ballets Russes are absolutely renowned for the creativity of their dancers and costume designs. Just to think that each year they stage these unbelievable events is nothing short of astonishing. Their performances are always packed! Every last ticket sells out instantaneously. Everyone's so excited, you can practically feel the anticipation in the air!
And naturally, every single person is so beautifully dressed! And in this incredible mix, there's me, all pink and fluff! Honestly, these days everyone loves a flamboyance, darling, and what could be more flamboyant than a little ballet - and a pink tutu to top it all off?
So what about this Nightingale ballet, I hear you say. Well, imagine, if you will, a forest full of dancers, with glowing costumes that mimic birds. There's dancing, there's singing, there's enchantment, all woven together so beautifully… You could say it’s a touch more fantastical and even slightly melancholic than my own style. (Sorry, but I have to shine!)
But still - absolutely incredible, full of drama, and it perfectly illustrates the emotional power that only a carefully chosen costume and dance can have, wouldn’t you agree?
Ballet and Fashion - It's All about the DressBut ballet isn’t just about the beautiful dancing, although let’s face it, that’s what truly captivates everyone. No, what I love - even more! - are the outfits. Just think how beautifully dancers capture and exemplify the costumes and express them in their movements! It's breathtaking!
After a good night's sleep in a perfectly pink-themed hotel room (naturally, you won't find me in any other colour!), I am now delighted to tell you about my newest passion, right here in the capital of fashion, Paris: ballet shopping! It doesn't even begin to cover how much I love wandering through these beautiful boutiques filled with tutus and beautiful ballet clothes. It’s absolute heaven!
Yes, today is a ballet paradise! Each little Parisian boutique is a treasure trove. Imagine ribbons, lace, jewelled trims, and of course, the glorious tulle - the more tulle the better! They sparkle so brightly and their textures are to die for!
Then there's the design! Every day I learn more about the silhouette,* the **balance of colour, and how these magnificent tutus tell stories just as clearly as the dance itself. And each costume, a beautiful expression of a moment in time: sometimes soft and ethereal, other times dynamic and dramatic - but always stunning! All of which makes my pink tutu even more special!
Now, darling, I need a break from all this excitement… A hot cuppa and maybe a little rest before more exploration in this amazing city. But do stay tuned, my lovelies. I promise you, the tutu trail continues!
Postscript - A Personal Fashion AdventureOf course, being a fashion enthusiast and all, I couldn't possibly have left the shopping to itself. What a shame to visit a city like this and not bring back a special treat! But trust me, I'm always thinking of all of you when it comes to outfits!
The other day, I was simply overjoyed to spot a fabulous tutu* that is *just the ticket! And let’s just say, my heart skipped a beat at its incredible shade of pink. It has that beautiful touch of elegance, those gentle swirls - perfect for making *any day, even a Tuesday, a little bit magical. And the way it sings when you spin… a total dream! I couldn't possibly let it stay in that store - it needs to join my wardrobe!
Don’t you agree?
But darling this blog post just has to end… until next Tuesday, when we meet for another dose of Tutu history! Do join me for my adventures in a world full of fashion, flair, and most importantly - pink! Until then, darlings, I must go...I have a tutu-shopping spree to get to!
Until next time, Emma,
* www.pink-tutu.com *