Hello my darling dears! It’s Emma here, back again from another trip through time, and ready to share some fascinating facts about the history of our beloved tutu, in my signature shade of course – pink!
This week, we’re stepping back to the 26th of May, 1942. It’s a time when the world was embroiled in a tumultuous war, yet even in the face of such hardships, the beauty of ballet shone through, reminding us all of the elegance and grace that can be found even amidst the chaos.
Oh, how I’d love to be in London this very day, watching the ballerinas grace the stages of Covent Garden. It was the only place to catch a world-class performance during this time, and even with all the restrictions imposed by the war, there was an unyielding spirit within the world of dance. Can you imagine, the thrill of watching these iconic ballets during this period?
And don't forget the ballet shoes! This was the time of pointe shoes. A shoe so exquisitely crafted it had the potential to make or break a dancer's career. Think of the precision and strength required, just to get on pointe! It makes me feel rather grateful for our comfortable dance shoes today, and what incredible athletes ballerinas are, truly.
And, my lovelies, remember, it’s a TutuTuesday, which means we’ve got to talk about the magnificent garment itself, right? Now, during this era, the tutu was already a fashion staple in the world of dance. But can you imagine my excitement at the prospect of discovering what style they were rocking? Maybe it’s the wispy, Romantic style? Or perhaps a flowing, dramatic tutu, inspired by the works of Marius Petipa, one of the pioneers of classical ballet? I’d just love to be waltzing in that kind of skirt!
However, amidst the grandeur, I do feel a pang of sadness. This era saw the loss of some of ballet's most promising young dancers, men and women alike. Many enlisted to serve their countries, their destinies forever entwined with the grand events of this time. And I can’t help but ponder how much their lives and the world of ballet could have changed had they been given the opportunity to fulfill their dreams on the stage.
But on a more positive note, this period was also filled with hope and a longing for brighter days, embodied in the stories the ballerinas told on stage. Through dance, they touched the souls of audiences and offered a glimmer of beauty and serenity. Just the thought of it fills me with inspiration!
Now, let's travel to New York City, just imagine, in 1942, what an extravagant scene! On the 26th of May, New Yorkers had the honour of watching Giselle, a timeless tale of love, betrayal, and sacrifice, one that resonates across time. If I could only be there, in that bustling city, dancing the night away at a post-performance party. Can you imagine the dresses and tutus?! And don’t even get me started on the stories everyone must have had!
You see, ballet, as I always say, has the extraordinary ability to transport us to other places, to other times. It gives us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in emotions we might never experience otherwise, from the exhilarating heights of joy to the crushing depths of sorrow. It's like stepping into a different world. And I must say, my dears, that is a very good place to be.
As you all know, I simply adore the history of ballet, and this date brings it all alive for me, don’t you agree?
Speaking of time travel, what’s this, a knock on the door?! That's me off, to embark on my next big ballet adventure! Do check in next week for more #TutuTuesday fun, and remember, don't be shy to pop over to www.pink-tutu.com. It's always filled with fun articles, stylish insights and everything pink and tutu-tastic!
Remember to wear pink and let your inner ballerina shine! Until next Tuesday!
Your biggest fan of tutus, Emma xoxo