Hello my darlings! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet where tutus are the main attraction. I’m Emma, your pink tutu-loving time-traveling ballerina, and every Tuesday we're twirling through history with #TutuTuesday. Today's adventure takes us back to July 21st, 1942 – fancy a trip with me, lovelies?
You know I love a good train journey, and today's carriage ride took me all the way to... drumroll... New York City! Ooh, the energy! The rhythm of the city, a bustling heart pumping out a constant heartbeat. I wouldn't mind spending a bit longer here, but I've a date with history and we must be on our way!
As we step off the train and into the city streets, a symphony of sounds washes over me. Honking horns, chattering voices, and the ever-present beat of jazz music filling the air. A captivating rhythm that seems to emanate from every street corner. And what would a good New York stroll be without the glamour? Fashion in the city is always a vibrant show. It’s fascinating how different the world was then – all those glamorous dresses, with those structured shoulders and narrow waists. You can practically feel the excitement buzzing in the air!
Speaking of excitement, there’s something truly special about experiencing the buzz of the theatre world. 1942 New York was brimming with theatre – it’s almost as if every building had a stage hidden somewhere! That was just how popular ballet was at the time, imagine! Today I’m at the famous Radio City Music Hall, and even from outside, you can sense the magic within. The beautiful stage lights, the ornate entrance – oh, it simply screams glamour and spectacle! I hear there's a big show tonight and it has everyone in New York City talking – it's “Stars On Ice!” Can you believe it? Ice skating and ballet together? Who would have thought?! My, my, such creativity. This era is truly a marvel for a tutu-loving gal like myself.
But, darling, the story of ballet is so much richer than just the glittering performances. This year is significant for ballet for other reasons, too. Remember all those fabulous dance costumes? You know, the lavish skirts, those intricately-designed dresses? 1942 saw an innovation in fabric that revolutionized dance wear: Nylon was first used commercially in this year! And can you believe it, it was the start of this magnificent material changing dancewear and, really, the entire world, from hosiery to parachute cords! I bet, darling, they’re celebrating that fact tonight at the Met too, with more than just a glass of champagne! The invention of this fabric surely made dance a lot more practical for these hardworking ballerinas. It changed their dance experience, so perhaps they could even twirl higher!
Today’s been quite an adventure for me, and you know I always find inspiration in my travels. That's why I always suggest a splash of pink! Don't be afraid to be a bit bold, darlings. Throw on your favourite pink tutu, grab your dance shoes, and feel the world come alive with joy! It’s amazing to think how one small thread, one little discovery, could spark such great change. Just like the change we can all inspire in the world.
And while we’re on the topic of inspiring change, dear darlings, don’t forget to spread the magic of dance! Go out, grab your friends, and go watch a show. And if you're really feeling inspired, even go join a ballet class! There’s no feeling quite like the thrill of taking your first steps onto a stage, or taking on a challenging step that makes you say 'I did it!' You never know how much joy it will bring. It’s almost as much joy as seeing people in pink tutus, that’s for sure!
Right, well I’d better get going, darlings. I’m off to explore more of this incredible city, and I think it’s time to take another little trip in my time machine. You know, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow in my next Tutu Tuesday. It's just not quite time to be heading back home to Derbyshire. But do remember, darling, it's only ever really one tutu away!