Hello, lovelies! It's Emma, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-enthusiast, here to whisk you back in time to 22nd April 1952, the year the world seemed to shimmer with a certain je ne sais quoi, and fashion definitely did. From my little time-travelling spot in the heart of London (don't tell anyone, it's a secret!), I can see a glimpse of that magical, graceful era. It's Tuesday, and that means one thing - Tutu Tuesday!
Now, the year is 1952. Remember this date. We're at a real turning point, lovelies. Ballet's starting to really grab people's attention, and you know what else is totally catching on? Tutùs, of course! (Though not pink ones... Pink hasn't really hit the scene just yet. Maybe a few pink ribbons, but mostly a lot of pretty pale pinks and those lovely ballerina shades like peachy and dusky lavender, with lots of tulle and chiffon, perfectly billowing as the dancers spin and twirl across the stage. Oh, the romance!)
I'm writing from the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden - that's the place to be in London. I just love the air of anticipation here. I can almost hear the strains of the orchestra warming up, the excited chatter, the swish of silk as ladies arrive, looking fabulous in their dresses (think full skirts, lovely gloves and, oh, the hats!).
It's a beautiful Tuesday, even though the weather’s been rather unpredictable lately. Just look at that lovely sunny London sky – a perfect day for some shopping, then a fabulous night of ballet. (Let’s be honest, what is better than a little retail therapy followed by a ballet show?).
This Tuesday is all about the great, great Margot Fonteyn. Yes, Margot Fonteyn. She’s the reason why everyone's talking about ballet right now. (Well, at least all the fashionistas). She's not just the 'first lady of ballet' or a real life ‘Swan Lake’ or all those fabulous titles - she's also just an unbelievably gorgeous and incredibly talented dancer! There are so many fans here tonight – everyone's trying to catch a glimpse of her. It's hard to describe the elegance, the incredible, incredible grace. It's enough to inspire even the most awkward of dancers, and that's exactly why I started my #TutuTuesday blog – to encourage everyone to find their own way of showing off their inner ballerina!
But today isn't about Margot - no, she gets all her time in the limelight when we're all glued to the TV screens later on (I’ll be writing all about that tomorrow!), today's all about those amazing ballet tutu creations! Now, imagine a world of puffy, tulle tutus and those beautiful, flowing skirts, all beautifully hand-stitched. It’s amazing. You can almost imagine the delicate layers of fabric just whispering against the skin as the dancers float through their steps.
I have to say, these ballerinas really are the absolute best when it comes to fashion - oh, the design! The artistry - I could just sit for hours just gazing at the tulle skirts on the mannequins in the shops (I don't think there’s a single fabric that gets me going like tulle does!)
I love all those amazing, classic shapes, with little bows and the swirls of ribbon. These ballerinas were right ahead of their time, the originals of their own time - I am just inspired by all of it. It’s definitely making me think that the next big thing is going to be all about tutus - all different colours! Even pink tutus - that will be so very 2052 when that fashion era really gets going! (I may just have to start travelling to that era right now ... and see if they have a comfy travel train for a girl on the go!)
You see, this really is the time when ballet is stepping out from just the theatre into the world. You know how ballet is more about the theatre these days – not as much on street style, as much as people might think - even though it is really getting there. There’s definitely that feeling that everything is changing in terms of fashion (it's like a big, beautiful, sweeping ballerina move).
I know I've said this a thousand times before, but really it's about attitude. The way that ballerinas carry themselves, their poise. They just know how to move their body, and it's what they wear that helps to accentuate all that grace and that wonderful elegance. There is just something about ballet – there are so many emotions wrapped up in every movement, that’s why ballet is such an exciting thing to be part of, especially if you're an enthusiastic, time-travelling, tutu-wearing girl from Derbyshire!
Right! I'm off to grab a seat! But before I do, a few things to think about:
- Where would you travel in time, and why? (Be careful - the year 1952 is really starting to inspire my inner travel bug!).
- What does your perfect Tutu Tuesday outfit look like? I’m thinking tulle, of course, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. Send them in! (I know I said we’re not talking about pink yet…but that just means there’s a lot more pink fashion inspiration waiting in the wings).
Did you see Margot Fonteyn on stage? Did you see any of the ballerinas’ amazing outfits? Tell me all about it! (The world’s full of lovely stories… you know I love a story. And if you’ve got a good one about ballerinas or beautiful dresses or fashion, you can be sure that I’ll add it to my list of favourite tutu tales!
And on that totally fabulous note - I'm off. Have a wonderful Tutu Tuesday, my fellow fashionistas, and see you all next week!
P.S. Don't forget to keep checking Pink-Tutu.com. (If you have any questions at all, be sure to reach out, I am here to answer your every Tutu Tuesday query!) The link is right here - www.pink-tutu.com . Remember to leave a comment with your favourite dancer from this era, or the best outfit you have spotted and seen! And - keep a look out for my next post - tomorrow’s blog is going to be all about Margot Fonteyn, so watch this space, and don’t forget to tune into the TV at 7.30pm for her show - you’ll see all those beautiful, billowing tutus, and we’ll talk about what everyone is wearing!