Welcome back, my darling tutu enthusiasts! It's your favourite pink-loving, train-riding, tutu-obsessed blogger, Emma, here, with another installment of #TutuTuesday: Ballet Tutu History! I'm so excited to be taking you on a journey through time, all the way back to May 4th, 1954, to discover what the world of ballet was like back then!
Today’s journey will be a quick one; it’s quite a sprint on the train! You know how it is with travelling in time, the time travel engine needs a certain amount of time to… recharge. Anyway, a fast-forward from my little Derbyshire home, back to May 4th, 1954. Well, imagine, I’m wearing a fluffy pink tutu of course, and here’s the history...
You might be surprised, dear reader, but the ballet tutu of 1954 was far from the ethereal and whimsical designs we see on the stage today! Oh, how things have changed, darling! Back then, the tutus were all about structure and form. It was a time of full-skirted tutus with layers and layers of tulle. Just like the fluffy marshmallow on top of a hot chocolate, only fluffier, with many more layers of netting. It would be very impractical and even painful to wear every single day and yet in class, that is what many ballerinas did. Think of the constant adjustment! You know me, though. Pink! And let me tell you, in 1954 the ballet was still full of pinks, but it was all in the pale pinks and blues of the Romantic era - almost baby-pink if you could believe! Imagine it darling! It's practically an Easter egg! Imagine ballet school: full skirts and so many tutus. And what a magnificent, swirling ballet it must have been! A beautiful whirl of light colours with little pops of brilliant red in their hair, just like a blooming flower. It truly would be a spectacle!
On this specific day in 1954, May 4th, there would have been numerous ballet performances taking place all across the globe. If I were to be honest, my darlings, my research tells me ballet in 1954 would be mostly dominated by a focus on the classical ballets, such as Swan Lake, Giselle and The Nutcracker. The ballet world, just like my darling readers, is all about reimagining these beautiful ballet traditions. You’re all about keeping it modern while maintaining that elegant class, just like my tutu. It's quite amazing when you think about how it's kept alive in all the gorgeous re-workings of classical ballets through dance, with even just a little of the contemporary flair.
The 1954 ballet performances would have featured ballerinas like Alicia Markova and Margot Fonteyn - stars of the stage who would go on to shape the world of ballet and are some of the pioneers who changed the face of ballet in ways we haven’t even imagined, all these years on! These performances must have been beautiful spectacles. Just imagine my delight in attending and watching those incredible ballerinas! Imagine the elegant grace and strength!
The style of the tutu evolved so much. Oh! Did you know, dear readers, it started off with this grand, formal piece of balletwear and then as time passed, we started seeing them becoming more and more simple? Imagine that! Today, it's all about finding that unique shape for each dancer, so you can let the grace of their every move truly shine through. It’s amazing how times have changed, darling. Oh! My travels are such an inspiration for my own blog! Just imagine! When I time-travel and travel, it's all about seeing a magnificent ballet show, getting my dose of retail therapy - oh my! I could write a whole blog post just on my own fabulous fashion choices! Or perhaps one about the beautiful places I see when I’m travelling! Or maybe you'd love to learn all about what inspires me for my Tutu History? Or maybe just simply follow my favourite time travel and shopping advice... oh, the possibilities are truly endless! Oh, and, darling, of course it's pink! There is a colour to every ballerina!
But today, my dearest Tutu Twirlers, I must leave you. We'll be taking another jaunt into the archives next week and it'll be a thrilling adventure! Be sure to check out my post next Tuesday on www.pink-tutu.com. Until then, twirl your hearts out and stay fashionable, my loves! Until then, don’t forget to follow me for my other travels at www.pink-tutu.com. And if you’re travelling on a train in your beautiful pink tutus, tag me on Insta, darlings! And I will give you a tutu-licious shout-out, or, at the very least, give you a big thumbs up for your amazing style!
Much Love and Big Twirls,
P.S. Oh, darling, have I mentioned I’m a bit obsessed with fashion? Why, darling, in my day, we wore our colours. You have to go with it! So make it your pink-tutu time and celebrate it all!