Hello darlings! Emma here, back from another whirlwind trip through time! 🕰️ As you know, this week it's all about tutus. But this week, we're going a little bit back in time... to January 29th, 1957! I was just in Paris, darlings, which is the place to be for all things tutus. I love how chic everyone looked - it was the ultimate Parisian style moment! 💅
Today's #TutuTuesday blog is all about understanding what life was like in 1957. Remember, ballet is so different from today's dance, and this week is all about what makes the tutus from that era so interesting and iconic! So settle in with a cup of tea and a piece of cake - I’ve got lots to share.
Stepping Back in Time
You might be surprised to know that 1957 wasn’t a year completely obsessed with tutus, at least not in the same way as today. There was a distinct move away from the elaborate and extremely ornate designs of earlier times, where the sheer number of layers of tulle would have caused you to practically drown in the fluffy goodness. Think of layers upon layers of frilly things and intricate hand-stitched details - it’s a work of art!
By 1957, the focus shifted towards more practicality. Ballet started becoming more about the dancer’s agility and power than a full-blown costume spectacle. Imagine if you were trying to do a fouette with all those layers… It would take more than sheer willpower! 😂
So, what’s hot? What’s not?
The tutus that were in vogue in 1957 were, you could say, a little “lean” - imagine a ballet version of the classic “little black dress”! Gone was the vast abundance of fabric and ornamentation. There was still tulle, of course (it’s the magical element that makes the tutu!), but they were shorter, lighter, and more importantly, more “dancer-friendly.” I love a bit of comfort! 😊
A new ballet shoe was also introduced in this era that added to the freedom of movement for the dancers. Pointe shoes started becoming more slender with tighter boxes to enhance performance and technique, something I absolutely adore, especially after travelling through time with all that walking on those hard train tracks!
What Else Was Happening in the Ballet World in 1957?
The big ballet world news of the time, darlings, was a new production by the Royal Ballet. They were reviving “The Sleeping Beauty” which caused a whole lot of excitement! (It wasn't just the ballet itself; the sheer amount of fabric used in the tutu was incredible.) 🤯 It's such a iconic work; I just love watching how a ballet company recreates a new version of a classical story like this. There is something beautiful about seeing how old and new works blend and intertwine. It makes you think about the power of artistic expression throughout history, something I love exploring as I travel.
Speaking of travel… that brings me to my favourite part about 1957. While ballet became a little bit more functional and efficient, what we didn’t lose is that inherent sense of magic and elegance. We've all seen the old movies - ballet back then was the epitome of style, and the ballerinas themselves looked absolutely sensational. Picture long black velvet gowns paired with stunning jewels - now you’re talking about style, darlings!
Pink Is the New Black!
Remember, in this blog I am here to remind everyone that there is a lot to be said about pink, and so I find it a little annoying that pink was not a prevalent colour on the fashion scene for ballet in 1957! Thankfully, I am here to help, and my motto is “pink is the new black!” 💗
This is a bold statement - I know! - but it’s also a message I believe everyone can understand! Pink tutus would have added another dimension of grace and sophistication to the dance, just like a dash of sugar to your tea! 😉
In this blog post, darlings, I am trying to say it loud and proud: I just wish I could go back to 1957 and personally give everyone pink tutus and show them how they can make an outfit pop! 💖 But, the fact is, 1957 has so many interesting tutu looks already; all we need is a bit of pink and they would look stunning. So my next trip, 1957 is on the cards, and who knows what adventures I might find on that one.
Until then, don't forget to check out our blog next week!
Lots of love and a little bit of pink, Emma xx
P.S.: Want to check out a ballet in your local area? It's a magical experience.
P.P.S: You know what would be amazing? If I got someone from Derbyshire, England to be a ballerina for the Royal Ballet company - that would make for a really awesome blog post!
P.P.P.S: I’m having a little contest on this blog this week! Take a selfie with your best tutu and upload it on our www.pink-tutu.com website for a chance to win a trip to a live ballet performance of your choice in the UK - don’t miss out! 😉