Hello lovelies! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, your one-stop shop for all things tutus, sparkles, and everything fabulous! This Tuesday's journey takes us back to the enchanting year of 1957, a time when the world was swirling with colour and the dance world was ablaze with new ideas!
Today's #TutuTuesday post is a bit special. You see, it's 1957 and I'm here in glorious Paris, where tutus are absolutely flourishing, just like my love for the colour pink! Paris is like the ballet capital of the world! Imagine swirling your way down the Champs-Élysées in a pretty pink tutu with your favourite pair of ballet flats! Talk about Parisian chic, eh?!
Okay, let's talk tutus! Back in 1957, tutus were making a real statement in the ballet world. We're still seeing the classic Romantic tutus – you know, the ones with the layered tulle skirt that gives that beautiful airy feeling. But designers were playing with shapes and lengths. Think full, bell-shaped skirts for a real princess feel. Can you imagine?!
Think Maria Tallchief – her performances are legendary. The power of her steps! And the way she could move with such graceful elegance. Plus, she looked fantastic in a tutu! Seriously, I think I saw her wear this gorgeous pink and lavender tutu once that still sends chills down my spine!
What's a Girl To Do in Paris?
Okay, confession time - I may have splurged on a few new tutus today! It's impossible to resist when surrounded by all this beauty and history! The French designers know how to make a girl swoon with their elaborate designs. A little bird told me that Christian Dior might even have made some tutus back then! And it wouldn't be surprising. Just think of those dramatic fabrics and the incredible detail he put into his gowns - the perfect mix for a ballet tutu.
Of course, I had to get myself a proper Parisian cafe latte. I'm sipping it now while typing this post. This latte and my favourite tutu - they just make everything feel right.
Oh! Speaking of right, did you know today, 15th October, 1957, is World Food Day! Did you know they had World Food Day way back then?! The United Nations is urging countries to take action and combat hunger around the world. They call this "Let’s all act together against hunger!" - what a lovely, powerful message. Imagine how many ballet classes people could be attending and practicing their pliés if they weren't hungry! Let's spread that love of dancing everywhere and encourage people to eat more delicious and nutritious food. A full tummy means a happy heart and light feet, especially when it's dancing you love most.
The train trip to Paris is a dream come true! The sights are gorgeous and there's nothing quite like sitting in a carriage with views of the French countryside whizzing by. I imagine dancers in all their beautiful costumes getting off and on at each station. The glamour and magic of dance, just swirling with the rhythm of the train.
More Pink, More TutUs!
Did you know my #TutuTuesday series started as a way to travel? Every Tuesday, I pick a date in history, pack my pink tutu and travel to the most inspiring locations on the ballet map. I mean, I have to say, I've already learned so much and seen so many incredible things - it's amazing how tutus have played a role in ballet history! It’s about sharing the love of ballet, fashion and travel, right?
Of course, every blog post comes with a special challenge, this time - share your favourite ballet memory. It could be a stunning performance you witnessed, the thrill of your first ballet class, or even that dream you had where you were pirouetteing with all the grace and poise of a true ballerina.
Until next week, my sweet loves, keep your pirouettes smooth and your tutus full of twirl power! I'll be here, with all things sparkly, next Tuesday with another #TutuTuesday history post!
Stay tuned and remember - the world is your stage, darling!
xx Emma
Pink-Tutu.com: Where the World Twirls with Joy!