Hello my dearest tutu-loving lovelies!
Welcome back to another thrilling #TutuTuesday. I hope you’re all ready for a twirl, a twirl and a whirl back in time to a day that will have you absolutely bouncing in your pink ballet shoes.
Today, we’re dancing back to February the 3rd, 1959! Buckle up buttercups because this one’s a real corker.
*(Cue dramatic pink sparkle animation!) *
Before we get started, if you're new to the www.pink-tutu.com blog (which I'm betting you're not!), let me tell you, you're in for a real treat! This is where we're celebrating everything about the incredible and iconic tutu – it's where you'll learn all the who, what, where, when, why of tutu history and see how much our gorgeous twirling outfits have evolved.
As for me? I’m Emma – and for you, darling readers, I travel through time with the elegance of a swan, the strength of a warrior, and a serious weakness for fabulous tutus! I absolutely adore tutus! I mean, really - who doesn't? - a magical piece of fabric that can take you to any world imaginable. It's more than just a costume. It's a feeling, a freedom, a dream brought to life!
Of course, my travels wouldn’t be complete without my favourite little pink tutu – because as far as I’m concerned, life’s just a little bit brighter in pink. Just try telling me that a bright pink tulle tutu doesn't make the world a more beautiful place.
And, to make all these pink tutu-tastic travels happen, well, darling, I dance! (I am a very good ballerina after all – thank you very much!) A little gig here, a grand jete there, and presto – I’m off on a whirlwind tour to another era of stunning, graceful, tutued bliss!
*Now, let's talk 1959. It's a fascinating time for our tutus! *
Imagine being transported to New York on February the 3rd, 1959! Now that’s a fantastic way to spend a #TutuTuesday, don't you think? Well, hold on tight, dear friends, because the very day I stepped onto a stage at the Met, legendary ballerina Margot Fonteyn (in the most beautiful lilac tutu you've ever seen, might I add!) was twirling and leaping her way across the boards, starring in the breathtaking ballet, "Giselle" alongside Rudolf Nureyev!
*(Cue *swoon music)
Oh, my darling readers! This performance - this very ballet – had the entire city abuzz! It wasn't just a show, it was an event – a monumental moment in the world of dance.
**(Dramatic ballet twirl effect on screen)
The magic of Margot Fonteyn in full flight… I simply couldn't tear my eyes away, and those tutus! A sheer marvel. I mean, seriously, did anyone even wear pants before they had a good, solid tutu to wrap themselves in?! chuckles
1959 saw an extraordinary flowering of dance, fuelled by revolutionary choreographers, innovative techniques and – let's be honest, the absolute glow of a hundred ballerinas wearing gorgeous tutus! Oh, darling, tutus were the symbol of something absolutely sublime: artistry, grace, elegance, beauty. Just think about it – what a wonderful, exciting, romantic time this must have been for the world of ballet!
Did you know this was also the year…
...That Mikhail Baryshnikov began his spectacular journey as a ballet star? I had the absolute delight of witnessing his dancing talent for the very first time – and darling, it was spellbinding! (I'm not even exaggerating! It was quite simply, pure, raw genius!)
Can you imagine a ballet-crazed time where two extraordinary stars, Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov, are on the cusp of their phenomenal rise to stardom? Oh, my darlings, you can't tell me that's not a dream come true! It really is the stuff of legends.
(Flashing image of pink-tinged ballet shoes)
And you know, tutus weren't only confined to the theatre in those days!
(Picture of girls in tutus running outside in bright daylight!)
They were bursting out onto the streets, into our every-day lives – and it wasn’t unusual to see school girls bouncing on their toes to school, dressed head to toe in pink – with the cutest tutus imaginable! ** I still adore those adorable tiny tutus that made everyone look like miniature, pink ballet butterflies. So adorable, right?!
Now that I've absolutely flooded your hearts with gorgeous tutu-infused memories of 1959 (and, frankly, who wouldn't be inspired?), we need to wrap this up for today! But don't forget, darlings - we'll be back next Tuesday for another trip down Tutu-Lane, filled with enchanting stories, inspiring tutus and everything in between!
I do hope that, even after all these wonderful trips together through time, we haven't lost our twinkle. And don’t forget, my darling readers, wear your tutus with pride! Life’s too short not to.
And darling, don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve... Or on your tutu!
Until then, stay twirly and remember, even if you’re not dancing on a stage, every single one of us is a ballerina at heart.
Now go on, you magnificent twirling superstars! Twirl and dance until the next time we meet!
Emma xoxo
** www.pink-tutu.com
TutuTuesday ballet history timetravel**