Oh darling! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where tutus reign supreme! This week on #TutuTuesday we're taking a trip down memory lane, all the way to the 15th of February 1966. Can you imagine, lovelies, that it was almost sixty years ago?
Let me grab my trusty pink tutu and time machine – she's a little temperamental, bless her, but when she takes me back in time, it's truly magical. Now, hop aboard!
First stop, the grand old Royal Opera House in London, the beating heart of ballet in Britain! They've been celebrating their anniversary recently - they were founded a hundred years ago back in 1946! On the 15th of February 1966, a delightful treat awaited theatre-goers – the Royal Ballet’s performance of ‘The Sleeping Beauty’. How dreamy, right?
The ballerina's costume, a masterpiece in silk and tulle, perfectly reflected the ethereal and magical story of the sleeping princess. Just the sort of thing I adore, don’t you agree? Imagine, ladies, you’d have been whisked away to a magical world where fairytales come to life – not a bad Tuesday night, right?
Just imagine, lovelies! The theatre, bathed in the warm glow of the stage lights, would have been full of eager faces waiting for the show to begin. A ripple of excitement would have gone through the audience when the curtains went up, revealing the spectacular scenery, sparkling with an air of fairy magic.
Speaking of fairies, isn’t the ballerina costume just perfect? So much fluff and delicate pink, you can imagine a tiny, dainty fairy wearing it with a sweet little smile on her face! This sort of artistry, these perfect ballet tutus, are the very things that set my heart a flutter!
But now let’s talk fashion. I’ve done a little research and while the ‘60s is remembered for its exciting and free-spirited trends like mini-skirts and the bold experimentation with fashion, let’s not forget the elegant and captivating styles from the theatre! There’s a touch of theatre and romance in everything in 1966, darling. Think of how wonderfully fashionable our beautiful ballerinas would have looked twirling and pirouetting!
Can you picture, ladies, the most amazing outfits being worn around town in 1966, just bursting with life and character? There was definitely a spirit of ‘dressing up’ - it wasn’t all casual chic. Now I must dash off for a little retail therapy… gotta see what fabulous vintage fashion finds await me! I’m a firm believer that all women can find something to be truly fabulous in!
Before we go, my loves, a word on my beloved train journey. Did you know that a little before this date, on the 12th of February 1966, the brand new InterCity 125 train entered service? I imagine those trains, hurtling across the landscape at almost 100 miles per hour! It’s hard to believe how much has changed over the past half-century. Just wait until we travel further down this timeline. The train’s like a magic carpet - so I’ll just put my headphones on with my favourite classical music to create a truly glamorous and chic feel.
And now for something truly special. It is so exciting, darlings! After all this talk about history, you know, we live in the now, the here and I’m so excited to be giving my readers something really unique!
I have something very special planned for next week, ladies – something that will set you all a-flutter! You’ve got to keep checking in and be ready for next Tuesday’s #TutuTuesday. I've already got my pink tutu all prepped for the occasion and let’s just say, it will involve all the most glamorous pieces.
Well, my little lovelies, my time machine is humming to take me back to my own time! I simply must head off now to find the perfect new addition for my own collection!
Until next Tuesday, darlings! Remember to always choose a pink tutu - they are life's greatest accessory, after all. Don’t forget to follow us on the website: www.pink-tutu.com and stay fabulous!