Hello, my dearest Tutu-Lovers! Welcome back to another edition of my weekly dose of Tutu history on www.pink-tutu.com! This Tuesday, I’m whisking us back to the fabulous 1968. Imagine: miniskirts, bell-bottoms, and… wait for it… the ever-so-graceful ballerina tutus! 🩰
As a lover of all things twirling and tulle, it’s impossible not to be mesmerized by the fashion of the late 60s. The year 1968, oh my, it was a whirlwind of change! It saw the rise of youth culture, bold fashion statements, and, of course, an undeniable affection for ballet. Think "The Turning Point" - but before that movie, folks!
It seems, my darlings, that a certain something about ballet resonated with the generation. I imagine it was the grace, the movement, the undeniable artistry – something that made the hearts of Londoners flutter, just as they do today! I bet you've even seen these fashion icons twirling on the stage – Margot Fonteyn, Rudolf Nureyev, all those fabulous figures of the ballet world were turning heads and captivating audiences!
But let's talk about those tutus, shall we? They weren’t just on stage, darling! In 1968, they were found on the streets, adorning young and spirited ladies in a display of feminine charm! Yes, those delicate tulle masterpieces were the ultimate statement piece, a way to express oneself in a burst of elegant movement and playful joy!
Oh, my travels, my travels! Picture this, I am aboard a dashing train (just arrived in London, naturellement!) I imagine stepping out, into the heart of Piccadilly Circus with the aroma of sweet shop fudge in the air. And there, amongst the miniskirts, a smattering of these gorgeous girls are waltzing down the street, their tutus billowing gently in the breeze - just a whisper of their joyful spirits. They were practically channeling a little bit of the Royal Ballet right there in the streets of London!
Imagine! A tutu, not only on a ballerina at the Royal Opera House but also at a cocktail party! The excitement is just as thrilling today as it was back then, my dears! They really took the idea of dressing up to the next level. Just imagine, tutus were worn to weddings, debutante balls, even everyday jaunts! That's what I call tutu-licious!
But let’s not forget those glorious theatre shows! The ballet world in 1968 was electric! They were seeing "The Rite of Spring", a dance that shook things up back in 1913 - now a classic. They were also enraptured with the captivating "Giselle" by Adam! So many ballet classics on stage. Can you imagine! All that twirling, all those graceful movements. Simply divine!
It's this spirit, this enduring love of ballet, that inspires my journey. I, Emma, your dedicated tutu-lover, travel across time, finding that spark, that shared delight of dance, and carrying it back with me to spread the joy of tutus far and wide! My dearest tutu lovers, let’s embrace that 1968 spirit, a world where a little bit of magic and tulle could transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Let's celebrate the legacy of tutus!
You know, my dear tutu followers, the ballet stage has been my muse. And those ballerinas, well, they've become my role models. Those tutus that make them leap and twirl have filled my own life with wonder. So, my darlings, if you have the opportunity, make a trip to the theatre. Immerse yourself in the magic of ballet. And let me tell you, a pink tutu isn’t a bad addition to any theatrical outing!
Remember to visit www.pink-tutu.com, and see my newest selection of the pinkest tutus for you! Keep on twirling and remember:
TutuTuesday always! Until next week, darling tutu-lovers! Now, for a bit of fun… what’s happening on the 19th March 1968?Oh, my lovelies, what a glorious day to travel back in time! Today, my little tutu enthusiasts, we have the Royal Ballet performing the enchanting "Giselle" in Covent Garden! Yes, imagine those shimmering tutus and the ethereal costumes! Such a delight, wouldn't you say? This, darling tutus, is the perfect time to feel the rhythm of history and embrace those vibrant dance moves, all those captivating moments that are forever etched in time!
Oh! Did I mention it’s a special day for all things girly?! You see, on the 19th of March, it’s National Crayon Day! That’s right! Who doesn't love crayons, darling? It’s the perfect chance to get creative, even if it's just coloring those vibrant, beautiful ballet outfits in your sketchbooks!
But more importantly, today marks the day, you darling tutu-lovers, that we make history our own. You see, every Tuesday, it's Tutu Tuesday, where we embrace that legacy, those captivating tutus, and make that sartorial choice with a splash of tulle! So, my little dancers, wear a pink tutu for me! I love seeing all of you in your own magnificent tutus! And remember to share your #TutuTuesday pics with me! Let's keep spreading the magic of tutus across the globe! Until next time!