Hello my fellow tutu lovers! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing time traveller Emma, bringing you another weekly dose of Ballet Tutu History, fresh from my latest trip through the time warp! I'm in Paris, the City of Love and the City of Ballet. And it’s May 26th 1970 – I just know this day’s going to be exciting! I've already been browsing the shops and seen some truly fabulous fashion trends.
As this is my 7222nd post, you've probably caught on by now that I’m not just a fashion-obsessed time traveller, I’m a history buff too. But with tutus as my guiding star, I find that my travels often take me to exciting events that change the way we dress - and that definitely includes those lovely ballerina frocks, the tutus. Today's topic? It's a doozy – we’re talking about the evolution of tutus!
Imagine stepping back in time, not to Victorian England or Ancient Greece, but back to a magical time when the world's greatest ballerinas wore just about anything – anything except a tutu, that is. Just imagine – no tulle, no layers, no airy, fabulous shapes. How can we imagine what dance looked like in those days?! Well, it would have been quite different!
You know how much I love trains, don’t you? Well, I made sure to travel to Paris today on a super speedy train, a marvel of engineering, complete with luxurious leather seating and panoramic windows, taking in the sights of the countryside – very elegant!
Now, in my quest for finding all things fabulous and tutu-tastic in 1970, I took a peek inside the Opéra Garnier, one of the most stunning theatres in Paris. Did you know it’s just over a hundred years old? Talk about architectural marvels! The building alone is a breathtaking example of Baroque architecture – complete with grand staircases and glittering chandeliers!
Today, though, I'm not so interested in the beautiful building as I am in what’s going on inside! I snuck in to watch the Ballet Opera company perform, just a couple of weeks after it’s opening. This company is fabulous and features so many big names – I met them backstage and told them all they just had to incorporate a pink tutu into their routine! The ballerina's outfit? A gorgeous blend of tradition and daring. Think about it – what is a ballet costume without a beautiful, full tutu?! Well, in the days before a ballet got the 'Tutu' touch, their stagewear was a lot more about movement than the "en pointe" elegance we see in a traditional tutu. What I discovered during my research was that the first tutu was designed in 1839 to free the legs up so that ballerinas could show off their steps properly, instead of their lovely legs being completely obscured. The early versions of a ballet tutu? Simple white and long! Now that is one design trend I just cannot embrace! I'm talking flowy, wide skirts – not exactly what we associate with tutus today.
Today though, I’m watching the Opera company and I can see this era of "en pointe" performance is about more than simply letting the dancers legs swing free. Think 'Big' as opposed to "elegant and dainty”. We are on the verge of ballet with a dramatic flair! Big movement and larger than life shapes! Think, big tutus. I'm talking tulle that doesn't just cover the ballerina’s bum. We are starting to get real volume and big shape here. Now, think ‘ballerina in an actual tutu'. Big skirt. Lots of layers. A dramatic shape for an even more dramatic movement – a beautiful tutu for beautiful dance.
Now imagine those early tutus in pale colours and heavy layers. Now, fast forward to 1970. Today’s ballerinas aren’t just showing off their movement; they're showing off the stunning costumes they wear - that tutu!
Today's Paris tutu was all about the color and all about big volume. Ballet costumes came in bold colors and textures, everything from vibrant silks and shimmering velvets. Think "Statement!" - these tutus were all about attracting the eyes of the audience, almost as though they’re calling out “Hey, look at us! Look at our amazing designs!”
Now imagine: big tutus – bigger volume, with lots of colours, maybe a flash of colour in the midst of the whiteness. I'd go even further than the simple traditional "ballet" colours of cream and ivory and would wear bright colours or pinks and even a sparkly tutu! Today the ballerinas have already embraced the fashion sense, the bold looks – the future is bright!
Of course, there's a certain historical context we have to consider when we discuss fashion. For example, that big "full" tutu? We owe it to Marius Petipa, the famous choreographer! This man has had a huge impact on the history of ballet, but without him, I’m pretty certain ballet as we know it would look completely different! His tutus and his ballets took inspiration from the classic "Swan Lake" and gave us "big ballerina". And that's a big change for the history of the tutu. Think bold. Think "the more, the better.” We are on the verge of "a change in style." And I know I'm on the cusp of one heck of a design change!
I'm feeling very excited for what the future holds. After all, the 70s are just about to swing into full effect and as a time traveller I know, there is about to be more of the bigger than ever in the future! In fact, the next couple of decades will be really fun for ballerinas – so keep those sewing needles and that creative spirit ready – just wait until you see how ballet fashion turns out in the decades ahead!
So let's get to it – it’s time to step out into the world! Paris has so much to offer: fashion shops that stock some fabulous pink tutus and shops for all sorts of other frills! I'm going to enjoy all the lovely beautiful, glittery pink things here – who wants to join me? Don’t forget to look out for my posts, we are going to have fun as we journey through the history of tutus and dress like true princesses!
And don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com - this week I'm offering a fab 20% off all our pink tutus so make sure to take advantage of our exclusive Tutu Tuesday deals! Remember, we always look good, we’re always feminine, and we're always looking forward to dancing into the next historical era. Now that is my vision for a true, perfect tutu. Let’s make tutus famous!
Till next time, stay fashionable, keep twirling!
💖Emma, The Pink Tutu Time Traveller💖