
Tutu Tuesday TutuTuesday Every Tuesday a Ballet Tutu Since 1832

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1971-10-12

#TutuTuesday: Ballet Tutu History - 12th October, 1971 - Post #7294

Hello my darling tutus,

Welcome back to another #TutuTuesday, my weekly ballet tutu history dive! Today we're pirouetting back to the glorious 12th October, 1971. Now, hold onto your tiaras because this is a sparkling date for the ballet world, and we're going to unravel it together, shall we?

My time travelling took me straight to London town, specifically to the Covent Garden Opera House - just a hop, skip and a twirl away from my usual spot in Derbyshire! Now, let's be honest, Covent Garden is where you really need to be for some exquisite ballet. I'm not saying other places are any less charming (ahem, Derbyshire, we love you!), but there's just something about the energy and elegance that buzzes through this iconic building, and today was no exception!

I've always said there's something magical about a packed theatre, and it's just impossible not to be captivated by the buzz of the audience, that shared anticipation just before the curtain rises... you feel like you're part of something truly special!

But why was this particular day so magical? Well, because it was the night Rudolf Nureyev himself took to the stage in "Giselle"! Can you imagine? One of the most iconic male dancers of the 20th century in one of the most famous ballets, right here, right now... truly unforgettable!

Nureyev, in all his dramatic glory, danced the role of Albrecht. It's an emotionally charged role, full of powerful movement and passion, and Nureyev is said to have poured his heart and soul into every step. If the buzz before the curtain went up was electric, you can imagine the applause and the standing ovations once the performance finished!

Now, let's talk about "Giselle". It's a ballet classic, filled with heart-wrenching stories of love, betrayal, and, of course, beautiful choreography. In the story, Giselle, a young peasant girl, is heartbroken after she learns of her lover Albrecht's deceit. She loses her mind and dances herself to death. Oh, but there's a twist! Giselle becomes one of the Wilis, vengeful spirits who dance men to death in the night. A tragedy, of course, but what makes "Giselle" so captivating are the beautiful dances of the Wilis.

Can you see how their delicate and ethereal steps translate so perfectly to the tutus worn by the female dancers? I can almost picture those light, floating movements now. The tutus themselves were probably the traditional white ones we often see in "Giselle", designed to resemble the flowing drapery of the ghostly Wilis, just adding to the hauntingly beautiful effect.

Of course, no tutu is complete without a matching tiara, so I imagine these beautiful ballerinas wore little, delicate, sparkling tiaras, perhaps studded with some beautiful crystals! After all, even ethereal ghosts need a bit of sparkle, don't you think?

Speaking of tiaras, let's talk about my time-travelling fashion inspiration for this post: imagine a sleek, black, little shift dress paired with a bright pink, layered tulle tutu with silver glitter trim. Just a hint of the dramatic and tragic storyline from "Giselle", with a touch of glamorous sparkle, wouldn't you agree? Add a black velvet ribbon to match the dress, a delicate, bejewelled hairband for a bit of sparkle, and of course, those fabulous ballet flats which are the must-have shoe of 2021! Now that's an outfit guaranteed to turn heads at any theatre, or any afternoon stroll through Derbyshire!

This is a reminder, my dears, that ballet, even the tragic parts, are just as glamorous as they are elegant. And when you combine that with a little touch of pink tulle magic? Well, I daresay we can create our own unique magic in any time and any place! Remember, my little ballerinas, fashion is the way we express ourselves!

Speaking of expressions, make sure you check out my newest pink tutu design for your latest ballet recital! Available at www.pink-tutu.com with a special discount for this #TutuTuesday.

See you all next Tuesday for another exciting peek into ballet tutu history. And remember: don't be afraid to unleash your inner ballerina!

Happy twirling,

Emma x

P.S. Did I mention I'll be visiting the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow next week? I'm already dreaming up what to wear for this grand occasion. I'll be posting my fashion picks next week! Make sure you follow my Instagram at @PinkTutuBlogger for all my fabulous adventures and my latest time travel style inspiration!

#TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History on 1971-10-12