Hello, my darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, time-travelling ballerina, ready to whisk you away to the glittering world of ballet history, right here on my little corner of the internet, www.pink-tutu.com. Today we're going back to April 2nd, 1974, a date bursting with excitement!
Picture this: You're in Paris, a city known for its chic style, and even for ballet tutus. We’ve got a crisp Parisian morning with just a hint of spring in the air. You're whirling through the city on a leisurely train journey (they are just SO much more glamorous in the past!), catching glimpses of vibrant cafe culture and the Seine river reflecting the blue sky. You could feel the romance in the air. This is the city of love and dance, and we're here to explore the history of tutus at this fabulous time in ballet.
1974 is a really exciting time in the world of ballet! I imagine everyone is still buzzing about the exciting innovations in ballet choreography coming from a wonderful man, a certain Rudolf Nureyev from a little country we call Russia! Now, if you love ballet as much as I do, you'll have heard of the incredible Russian dance icon who is now sweeping the world with his powerful performances! And there's something rather revolutionary happening on the ballet stage at the moment - what do you think? Would you be brave enough to wear trousers instead of the beautiful ballet skirts? That's what I thought - revolutionary!
The tutus In the realm of tutus themselves, you are unlikely to spot any revolutionary changes in 1974 - they were pretty much the same! But that doesn't mean they're boring! Just look at the incredible detail in each tulle layer! So beautiful! There were still the long, graceful tutus we're used to - perfect for sweeping across the stage. Remember, a well-crafted tutu can move effortlessly, but the perfect tutu also brings elegance and grace to the dancer! Even the tutus are just as fabulous as the performers!
I always find it fascinating to delve into the evolution of the tutu . Let's hop onto our magical tutu-time-travelling train ( I do love the glamour of the carriages!) and imagine our way through some tutu milestones. From its origins in the 1800s to its glorious flourishings in the 1900s to present day - there are tutus for every decade! Some say the origins of the tutu were quite mundane - the ballet dancers needed some help keeping those tutus from sliding down whilst performing on pointe because the ballet techniques hadn’t caught up with the designs yet! But we, here at pink-tutu.com, don't believe for one minute that anything as spectacular as a tutu is a fluke of an event, so imagine instead a burst of creativity to bring more elegance to the stage! And imagine the exciting fashion shows on this day and throughout the years! Now that's something I can truly picture! Every day, ballet performers inspire the whole world of fashion and dress!
Some highlights: *- *The Romantic Era (1800s): The tutu made its graceful debut, with its wispy skirts just touching the ground. Romantic ballet is all about beauty and expression and those gorgeous ballet dancers certainly inspired fashion through this era. Did you see that amazing dress you just passed in the window? That beautiful satin, with the subtle folds in the fabric and a delicate lace edging? Inspired by ballet of course!
- **The Classical Era (1830s): The tutu took its first steps into what we recognise as a modern tutu and ballet! Short skirts became popular for a graceful, athletic expression. It really came into its own in this era, with the beautiful long, white "romantische" skirt and this inspired more than fashion! Look, even our hairstyles are inspired by ballet - from the romantic swirls of a Romantic Era hair-style, to a delicate and elegant bun inspired by the classic tutu! Isn't it wonderful to see these connections between the beauty of ballet and the everyday, on the streets of Paris! A real inspiration for the whole fashion scene, that's what the ballet is, that's what I believe.
- The 20th Century: And here's where we find a fascinating evolution! The tutu went through several experimental phases, and I can truly say it is timeless. Just like the way a stylish handbag is never truly outdated we always look forward to what new design a creative ballet performer may come up with next! The tutu became shorter, sometimes becoming almost a "short-skirted ballet costume." Some designers have also added a second or third layer of tulle for a fluffy look, perfect for some of those impressive leaps you see. If you watch those amazing performers - their passion and strength come alive in these garments - that's why I love ballet!
The story of the tutu, my darling friends, is full of creativity and grace, reflecting a fascinating interplay between ballet performance and fashion - how fantastic! We just cannot deny that tutus are the perfect way to celebrate a performance! Ballet and dance are like fashion itself, with some iconic pieces becoming famous around the world. You know me, I love all things pink - how about some pale pink tutus to get that ethereal feel or some bright pink to really let your personality shine through. Maybe a softly faded pastel pink will add a more delicate touch. Whatever you choose to wear, pink is definitely the colour of fun and expression.
Why does the world love tutus?
My dearest tutu-loving readers, you know my answer - they’re fabulous! They’re the ultimate expression of creativity, elegance and freedom! Tutues help the dancers express their individuality on stage - and isn’t that what fashion is about? Just remember, with tutus - be sure to pick the right material and size! *The tulle is *delicate and light, you’ve got to ensure a great tutu doesn't fall to pieces when you are twirling about!
Today we have celebrated the history of ballet and, most importantly, the amazing story of tutus - the dance garment that makes my heart sing.
Now, if you'll excuse me, it’s time for me to take to the dance floor, but be sure to join me again next week for another #TutuTuesday journey. We’ll be exploring more inspiring stories about these iconic dance outfits.
Don't forget, we all deserve to wear a pink tutu! You heard it here first - a pink tutu in Derbyshire and on your train journey to Paris - what a great image!
Until next time, my lovely tutus!
Love, Emma xxx