Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, back from another fabulous journey through time, and guess what? I'm positively giddy with excitement because this week we're going right back to the swinging 70s! Grab your pinkest tights and your favourite pair of sparkly shoes, darlings, because today we're delving into the tutu history of August 12th, 1975, a time of truly wonderful, bright and bold fashion!
I arrived in London in a flurry of excitement, hopping off the train from Derbyshire. This city, truly, is a wonderland for a tutu enthusiast. Everywhere I went, there were bursts of vibrant colour: pinks, oranges, blues and greens in all their glory. 1975 was a time of experimentation, and people weren't afraid to express themselves through their clothing. Now, some might think of that decade as a bit "too much" for their tastes, but for me, darling, it was absolute sartorial heaven!
Stepping out of Victoria Station, I was mesmerized by the street scene. Women strutted confidently in bold platform shoes, flowing trousers and long, patterned skirts - some even with layers upon layers of bright pink chiffon, reminiscent of the most glorious tutu. The men were sporting their own funky styles - brightly coloured shirts, bell-bottoms and even, gasp, platform shoes! It was an era that embraced a true symphony of styles, each person creating their own personal statement of self-expression. And you know, darling, I feel that tutu has the power to be just as transformative!
But on this day in 1975, the heart of my own sartorial excitement, it had to be ballet! And my oh my, the sheer brilliance of this show transported me to another realm entirely! It was Swan Lake, and it was a truly grand affair, with the iconic white tutu and the gorgeous black tutus bringing out all the beauty and drama of this timeless tale. The stage lighting bathed the dancers in a magnificent palette of colours, enhancing the tutus with an otherworldly shimmer and shine. I have to say, darling, it really did make the experience even more magical!
Afterwards, as I was enjoying a delectable cup of tea and a slice of cake in the most delightful tea room (with floral patterns everywhere, darling, of course!), I couldn't help but reflect on how much the design and styles of tutus have changed over time. While the classic shape has remained iconic, there are certainly different approaches to crafting them today. For example, in 1975, tutus were all about drama and volume, creating the illusion of a full and voluminous shape, highlighting every turn and extension with grace and elegance. And just like in 1975, today’s designers take inspiration from this era, adding their own modern touches, crafting bold and extravagant tutus that still pay homage to their origins, but with a 21st-century flair!
My own sartorial explorations didn't end with the ballet. Darling, I spent the afternoon indulging in the most delightful shopping spree. I visited vintage boutiques, thrift shops, and even department stores - each one a haven of vibrant colour and unique textures.
There, amidst rows of bell-bottom jeans, tie-dye shirts, and those fantastic crochet dresses, I found my absolute gem: a vintage pink tutu, crafted from a magnificent array of sheer fabric, delicate layers, and adorned with sequins. I purchased it, of course, and I couldn't wait to wear it. It was truly the perfect addition to my already expansive collection!
Now, my darlings, if there is one thing that absolutely resonates with me about the spirit of 1975, it’s the unwavering sense of individuality and the ability to express oneself without hesitation. The vibrant colours, the bold textures, the funky patterns, all worked together to create a fascinating tapestry of style. And it made me think about the importance of embracing your unique personality and wearing what you love. In my case, darling, that’s a beautiful pink tutu. And that’s exactly what I hope to inspire in you: confidence, individuality and above all, the sheer joy of wearing what makes you feel fabulous!
So, remember to embrace those vibrant colours, experiment with different styles, and dare to express yourself. This #TutuTuesday is all about letting your own inner light shine, and you can do just that with a beautiful pink tutu - don’t you agree?
Love always,
P.S. What other significant historical events happened on August 12, 1975? Well, my dear, let’s see! Here are some fun tidbits from the history books:
- On this day in 1975, a remarkable space voyage ended with the return to Earth of the Soyuz 18 manned spacecraft! These amazing Soviet cosmonauts, Pavel Popovich and Yuri Artyukhin, spent 63 days in orbit and then landed safely back on our planet! Their journey helped push the boundaries of space exploration and cemented the legacy of the Soyuz program, one of the most successful in history! It’s an incredible feat of ingenuity and courage!
- That very same day, a historic political agreement was made in Angola! This significant move towards peace marked the end of a very long and difficult civil war that shook the region! Let's all raise a toast to those who fought tirelessly for peace and progress!
- Oh! I have another fascinating historical note for you, darling! It’s about an absolutely enchanting story that unfolded on this very day in 1975. It seems a very talented and acclaimed Scottish author by the name of Alasdair Gray published a most extraordinary novel titled "Lanark". It’s said to be a fantastic and unique novel, darling! And it’s worth checking out, as it’s sure to ignite your imagination with its powerful themes of history, mythology and, of course, the transformative journey of the human spirit!
I do hope you found this week’s Tutu Tuesday a delightful read, darling! Let's continue this whirlwind journey through history together next week. In the meantime, stay tuned for even more tutu tales, fashion finds, and the latest in dance! Until then, may you all feel fabulously chic and undeniably sparkly, no matter your time or place. xx