Welcome back to Pink Tutu! I’m Emma, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu enthusiast, and it's Tuesday, which means it's time for a whirl through time! Today, we’re travelling to 12th December 1978, which is a really exciting date for ballet history – think sparkling tights, grand jetés and a whole lot of glitter!
(This is post number 7668 for my Tutu Tuesday blog, don't forget to check out the archives – we have lots to explore together.)
Back to the Future!I'm always finding fascinating dates for my #TutuTuesday trips, and this week I popped off to 1978. You know me – can’t resist a little fashion history. Plus, who doesn't love a little retro flair, right?
I'm not talking just any old date, my loves. I chose the 12th December for a special reason - the Royal Opera House, London, opened its doors to a magical new production. This time it wasn't a fairy tale (although they are so lovely), no, this was The Sleeping Beauty! Can you imagine? So dramatic and glamorous, like stepping right into a fairytale! It's actually a very famous ballet; it premiered back in 1890! The fact it was showing in 1978 just shows its impact on the world.
It’s an incredible feeling being transported back in time. There are so many ways to make the trip interesting - you could explore historical ballet classes, catch a new production or discover the ballet stars of the time. It's such an exciting way to connect with the world of dance.
Fashion Spotlight!Of course, I'm never just in a tutu – the style is just one of my many loves, don't you know? I mean, I have to fit in, and nothing makes a girl feel more confident than a twirl in a well-chosen outfit, wouldn’t you agree?
I have to say, the outfits in 1978 were pretty groovy! They weren’t so tight, no body-con nonsense here – all the skirts had loads of flowing movement. And colours! Honestly, everyone was daring to wear more vivid tones like emerald greens and striking tangerines. The best bit? Lots of sparkly fabrics - it just made everything more exciting! Even men’s waistcoats were embellished with dazzling sequins.
So imagine my excitement as I strolled down a London street. Imagine, me, wearing a pink tutu in the crowd. I knew it was gonna be an eye-catching ensemble, especially for a girl who isn't exactly 'typical' Londoner! I felt like the real-life fairy godmother. They did all have beautiful clothes, of course, especially in London – you could spot stylish folk everywhere, going about their day, shopping in department stores and making sure they looked their best for evening drinks and a theatre performance, or perhaps a Sleeping Beauty show at the Royal Opera House - how elegant!
What a Time!But before I get lost in daydreaming about fancy outfits and twirling like nobody’s watching (my dream!), I must tell you all about what else was going on. Oh, let's see – in December 1978, Saturday Night Fever had taken the world by storm, so I imagine the disco craze was probably raging – I would’ve loved to catch a set at a cool London nightclub.
You know what else is amazing? You've got to see Grease. It just shows that people have always had a passion for a little good ol' rock and roll, with a dash of 1950s glam thrown in for good measure. It seems like no matter what decade we’re in, everyone’s got rhythm!
And guess what?! It’s the 200th anniversary of James Cook’s arrival at the ‘Cook Islands’ in the Pacific. I’d definitely try to see some of those amazing locations – how fantastic! Imagine sailing to new islands with breathtaking coral reefs. I mean, how perfect for a post-ballet trip – what a perfect opportunity to soak up the sunshine.
Speaking of soaking up, I’d need to do some shopping – just the best shops at this time! Don’t even get me started on all the beautiful vintage boutiques that I found. I'm talking velvet gowns with feathers, silky fabrics that just swish around the ankles – utter bliss for a tutu lover like me. I would be spoilt for choice – can you even imagine!
A Trip Down Memory Lane!Travelling through time is the perfect opportunity to learn something new – I feel like every trip, I gain more than just a story. Sometimes it’s the chance to connect with the dance, with fashion and, well, sometimes, it’s the joy of knowing you're living the life you’ve always wanted – wearing pink, twirling and experiencing the world through ballet!
Now I'm gonna leave you to go explore all my 7667 other blog posts – don't be afraid to let loose on the comments below. If you’ve got any questions for a time-travelling ballerina, drop them down below. I promise to give you the best tips and insights!
Now, time for me to get dressed – what outfit should I wear for my next trip?! Perhaps a turquoise and orange skirt with matching shoes – with some sparkly details for a real vintage feel! Maybe you’d like to help choose?! Let me know down below.
And as always… remember to be brave and bold, dear readers! Live life in colour, and let the music guide you!
Stay pink and twirl on!
Remember to follow Emma on all of her adventures through history – next week she'll be travelling back to the 1950s and talking to the amazing ballet dancer, Margot Fonteyn. And don't forget to share all your #TutuTuesday moments and follow the Pink Tutu Instagram feed!