Hello my darlings! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, your one-stop shop for all things pink and twirly. Today we're going on a trip back in time - our #TutuTuesday journey takes us to the 17th April, 1984. Can you imagine it? No internet! No smart phones! (Gasp!). I almost feel a bit faint just thinking about it!
Anyway, back to the tutus, my loves. What a day! Just thinking about 1984 fills me with such wonderful memories - it was an era of huge shoulder pads and neon colors! I absolutely adored the bright shades, everything was just so...fun and vibrant! Imagine how amazing that would look on a stage with a bright pink tutu twirling beneath it!
So what’s been happening in the world of ballet in 1984? It’s all about the classics this year, my loves! Let’s take a quick train journey from Derbyshire, where I’m originally from, all the way to the Royal Opera House, right here in London. And look! We are about to see what a real ballerina is doing at this moment! (SQUEAL!)
My oh my, isn’t she wonderful?! It's The Sleeping Beauty. Now, don't you think that looks rather lovely in a light pink tutu? Oh, it’s so dreamy - so utterly, exquisitely beautiful, darling!
We are surrounded by iconic ballerinas today – Gelsey Kirkland! Natalia Makarova! Even Baryshnikov! I just adore the way they move! You can’t help but want to stand up and join in. The Sleeping Beauty is always just so much fun - so energetic and full of life! Even all these years later, it still makes my heart beat faster. You see it on stage and just get swept away - there is no escaping that magic!
1984 is a fantastic time for the ballet – a real cultural highlight. A ballet enthusiast would be completely spoiled for choice! So many gorgeous costumes to see. In fact, the tutu design itself has moved on. Oh yes! These tutus are very important! They need to have big, full skirts and beautiful detail - all of this comes together so you have that exquisite shape and line which really completes the movement on stage. Imagine them spinning around the stage – the lightness! the airiness! Absolutely spectacular! And for any of you with creative dreams, there are loads of costume designers creating for The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Giselle.
Talking of designers! Oh how I just love fashion! 1984 was all about fashion trends, which were absolutely fabulous. A really stand-out look is the oversized look! It’s perfect for getting creative, so think about layers and accessories - bright bold colours and big bold jewellery. Oh, it's wonderful to see how that kind of freedom of style translates onto the stage. Think tutus and bright, bright colors and big frills! What fun! We might even think about combining the stage style and street style! Oh, we’re going to need a huge Pinterest board just for this - so much fabulous inspiration! You don't want to miss that look - it's all about looking really fabulous, darling! That's just one reason why tutus are so fun - they're an amazing excuse for being creative with all kinds of designs and styles. And oh, to think - some day I might get to design tutus myself. Just imagine the amazing pink fluffy tutus with the frilliest layers, it’s divine - a fashionista’s dream! Oh! That gives me an idea... maybe this could be my next project! Imagine a tutu line, oh it could be so fun, so girly, so amazing! This is huge. What an exciting thought for my future!
I’m a firm believer that every day should be #TutuTuesday! I love everything about tutus – their look, their movement – they bring out the true elegance, grace, and style of a true ballerina, the quintessential feminine form! If you haven't given it a try, well what are you waiting for?! I'd even recommend trying out a ballet class – it’s so much fun - there’s a lot of “pink tutu-ing” around in these classes, it’s all about stretching your body while embracing a beautiful look.
Of course, a Tutu Tuesday post can't be complete without a new inspiration for your own pink tutu adventures, my loves! Why not go out today and pick up a pair of sparkly tights? That is just such a lovely idea, and it matches beautifully with the kind of 80s looks we have been thinking about today - a total throwback to that wonderful, happy era!
But, I think it is time to go and explore that big, beautiful city, so I’ll catch up with you all next Tuesday, darlings!
Keep twirling, keep fabulous!
Love Emma,
TutuTuesday #BalletTutuHistory #TutuInspirationBlog post No: 7947