Hello darlings, and welcome to #TutuTuesday! I’m Emma, your ever-so-pink-loving tutu enthusiast, ready to whisk you through the wonders of the dance world, one twirl at a time. Today we’re taking a trip back in time to June 26th, 1984! Buckle up, loves, it’s going to be a whirl.
This is blog post number 7957 for my Ballet Tutu History series. You know, I’m always on the hunt for new material and sometimes this means I end up back in the days before tutus were even a twinkle in a designer’s eye…
*(It's a shame to have to admit it, darlings, but we really weren't the *most fashionable bunch back then…but that's where my time travelling comes in - we've made quite the difference with all those pink tutus.) **
… Anyway, we can see from today’s date that June 1984 was … rather … interesting in the tutu stakes! Now, don't misunderstand me darlings, back then tutus weren't out of style. Quite the opposite, they were huge! We saw them gracing the stages all over the world and frankly they were very well… erm... "structured" shall we say? Think big, billowing skirts, loads of fabric - it’s hard to imagine them not taking up all the space on the stage!
*(Actually, now I come to think of it, *that's why they started to look a bit… outdated. That, and the very obvious “ballerina only” thing was just getting boring, wouldn't you say? Luckily for all of us we have some fabulously colourful alternative ideas which we've just got to try to sneak into our current world - the one that doesn't know yet it’s so lucky to have all the tutu choices! **
For me, one of the things that does excite me about today’s date in 1984 is how fashion has such a clear influence on stage costume. I love the mix and match, the creative, modern touches! And honestly, let’s not forget about the hairstyles. We are absolutely rocking the ballet bun! But let me tell you, 1984 wasn’t a ballet bun kind of year, and thankfully we’ve moved on. Imagine trying to keep the hair smooth all the time in that humidity. Well, no need to imagine, the struggle was so real back then!
(Can you believe that before I started time traveling, my hair had never ever even seen the light of a ballet bun? ** I had a hair stylist who'd make all my hair stay down. And the worst part was she'd make sure it all got tucked in behind my ears and everything so as it wasn't touching the fabric. I didn't like her very much.
…but anyway. Enough of that!
… Now, today is the 26th and, you guessed it, it was Tutu Tuesday! And the most exciting part about that? Well, back then, even the men were wearing tutus, only theirs were made from that special … very .. scratchy fabric. The “male tutus”, the “leotards”, let’s just say they were … less …. exciting …
… but a boy who can dance in one of these (sometimes, and please let's not tell the ballet master what the men actually did to get these so comfy, we can't mention it at all!…) should have our most serious, highest respect! He deserves to have our total admiration, especially after all that….
So, the next time you see real tutus, remember all the pioneers and the struggles of those who've come before us - we have all this fashion and variety because of them! Don’t forget about your #TutuTuesday, the very foundation for our wonderful tutu-loving lives. You're looking at it! It's here now and so much more …and there are more adventures to come on this fabulous, sparkly journey.
(There you have it, you all now understand the power of this post and the wonderful, inspiring stories about ballet, fashion and all those tutu adventures! Don’t forget to wear your best pink, white or whatever fabulous, girly tutu you like. And …let’s all head back to this blog next #TutuTuesday … just where are we heading? Who knows! You're all set now - and oh my, darling. Be sure you take note ... I'm so excited for next week and I'm hoping for the very very biggest tulle-tastic fashion week in my tutu-fied history blog. Let’s all stay together! Love, and see you next Tuesday.)