Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing time traveller, Emma, back with another #TutuTuesday blast from the past! Today, we're twirling back to February 18th, 1986! Buckle up, my darlings, because this is a tutu-filled trip down memory lane! This is post number 8043 in my Ballet Tutu History blog - it’s just amazing how much is happening in the world of tutus, wouldn’t you say? And you’re in the best place for a great, tutuful experience, as you all know - here at www.pink-tutu.com. So why not take a moment to check out the other 8,042 posts too!
But before we get to the tutu news of the day, let’s have a bit of fun!
What’s the most exciting thing about time travel? That's right – seeing all the fabulous costumes and designs from across the ages! The thrill of experiencing how fashion has evolved over the years and then picking out the very best pieces – that’s my life’s ambition! And what could be better than tutus?! I mean, the sheer variety, the history, the glamour, the fun - we must explore them all!
And where can you do all this, you might ask? Well, I have my favourite time travel spot for this, of course. But before I tell you about that – a bit of a secret for my loyal pink-tutu.com fans – I’m thinking of launching a new service…
Time Travelling Tutus!You heard it right. Why settle for just seeing amazing tutus, when you can get your very own one? That’s my goal – and it would be so lovely for you to share it with me – all you need to do is leave a comment and say ‘pink-tutu travel!’ if you think this idea is going to be a huge hit. But… don’t just stop there, darlings, give me your top travel-through-time fashion desires - what would you like to be able to experience and to see! I want to hear all about your ideas!
I’ve found out from my own personal time travel jaunts that one of the absolute top places to visit is… Paris! This is the perfect spot to embrace your inner tutu-loving fashionista! This place just drips in romance, history and… drumroll... TUTUS! But the story of the tutu in this wonderful city goes way back in time. Imagine!
Back in the day, around the 19th century, Paris was the centre of ballet, just like London, only in the 1800s Paris really became the must-see city for any budding ballerina. Paris in 1832 saw one of the most important moments in the evolution of the tutu! Can you believe it? You probably can – these things happened! The iconic 'tutu à la Hungaroise' arrived, which later went on to inspire many other versions, each with its own delightful elegance!
Today, a lot has happened to Paris in the tutu department. As I always say, Paris is one of my absolute favourite spots for time travelling. It’s such a lovely city with wonderful train connections for you travelling across the European mainland… (as you know from my previous blogs, my most favourite way to get about in the world of tutus, is by train – that way you get to enjoy the amazing scenery along the way.)
As a quick aside to the main point about tutus - you have to see a Paris train station when travelling by train! It’s such a great moment! This incredible architectural gem was just finished on the very day I travelled to February 18, 1986 in this wonderful, glamorous city! Just a couple of hours from my favourite spot – a little secret, that is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, in the very heart of Milan!
A lovely walk from that spot, and another great Parisian place, will see you at the famous Garnier opera house in Paris, you know – the place where it’s great for ballet performances! It's quite the elegant spot to catch the latest in ballet trends, with plenty of time to grab a latte at one of the cafés along the way. It just gives a certain charm to seeing the beauty of the performance, in the Parisian way!
Now, what about ballet performances on the very day of our time travel – February 18, 1986, in Paris? We’ve covered some lovely moments – train stations, the Garnier opera house and our lovely cafés, what was happening in ballet performances?
Time travel tips from a tutu enthusiast!And that's where my tutu knowledge, combined with my super secret time travelling ways, come in! Did you know – there are tons of interesting facts I have up my sleeve, to really help you to be the perfect Parisian tutu-wearing diva! You can even plan out your own Parisian ballet visit with my top time-travel travel tips! Here are just a couple to start with – there’ll be many more! 1) Paris – one of the best ballet destinations… 2) And with trains, getting about for ballet fans is easy... 3) Parisian cafés – and lots of fashion… 4) And lastly – Paris was an amazing place in 1986 for tutu lovers, so check it out if you can!
Well, as I say - my Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II tour - a must-do when travelling to Milan! You know the story…
But the Parisian tour in February 18th, 1986 has got me on a high. There is just so much excitement to take in on this date. From beautiful train stations, opera houses and cafes – to a super special ballet experience – just in that city, alone! But if I think of my time-travelling past, and some of the really out of this world dates, I find myself back in the amazing year 1986! Just as I always say, for some reason 1986 was really important for tutus! Why don’t we delve into some real stories about what happened in Paris on that amazing day. And if it was good for a tutu, then it was good for you too – we have to go explore. Because, who can argue that pink and white ballet costumes are anything other than brilliant?! You know it. I know it. We all know it. And this is just another reason to embrace my Parisian adventure! I can still remember that fantastic feeling…
Let me tell you all about this fab, Paris-focused blog… and you can get right in, as a fellow pink tutu-wearing time traveller and fan of the pink, white tutu in your life, right now.
## February 18th, 1986.
It was a real blast from the past - 1986 - with all those great fashions. That’s why, I knew there was something going on on this particular day – but what was it?! And I knew there had to be a great performance! So what happened on this fab, special February day, that would make every time traveller just jump at the chance to go back in time?
Well… what would happen but that fabulous performance at the Garnier opera house. Now – we have got a great show, I’ll be posting up the entire performance programme in a week or two – and you can get an idea for some fabulous tutu costumes for you and for your girls at the same time! This would be perfect for that ballet costume wardrobe update I was talking about.
It's got all the elegance and glamour you’d expect – with such classic ballerina pieces, and so much pink…
The pink ballerina performance!I'm sorry I've got to tease you just a little – but what I can say is it really is amazing – the ballet production. You will love every single piece. If it’s about getting to understand what was amazing about 1986 and its love of pink, and all the fab ballet looks – that’s how to do it. I would call it a time travel must-see - a real highlight. And then it was –
The ballet, performed at the Garnier opera house! * And yes, there were definitely some fab tutus!* You’ve got to go see it – especially when I’m doing the posting, showing how to style that tutu look to perfection, because you know that’s just what we do at pink-tutu.com – you don’t just see tutus, you feel them. It is really just so much fun and you can learn so much – it really does become about so much more than just your personal style! But I’m giving it away already… So maybe we should wait until a future blog, and you can do a bit of your own detective work.
It really is all just part of how I go back to my favourite moment in time. Because you know – the pink tutu – what better inspiration is there. So what will the next date I travel to? Why, who can know?! Maybe I can share it with you – let’s make this a blog post, by asking – which date are you taking me back to! Leave your answers in the comments section of this blog, and, as I always say – enjoy that trip. Because – there’s a lot to discover, about the ballet world! It's totally fascinating.
So – until next time – do have a fantastic week, and try out your very own time travel ballet exploration, in a pink tutu of course! I always tell you to have fun and follow your own style… but with so much to learn from the tutu – you’ll be doing so well to follow my adventures… until next time – my little tutus!