Hello my lovely tutu-loving friends! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, dedicated to all things pink, sparkly, and pirouette-worthy! This week, for #TutuTuesday, I'm taking you on a whirlwind journey through time, all the way back to February 3rd, 1987! Grab your best pink tulle, and let's hop aboard the tutu-mobile!
(This is post number 8093 for my Ballet Tutu History blog, in case you're keeping track!) I know, I know, some of you might be thinking: 1987? But Emma, wasn't that before the dawn of tutus?! Oh honey, don't be ridiculous! Tutus have been around for ages, even if they looked a bit different back then. This week, we're diving deep into the history of the tutu - specifically the time when ballet tutus were starting to take a little leap into the modern era!
So what was happening on this very day in 1987? Well, for one thing, the world was still obsessed with Dirty Dancing! (If you haven't seen it, you really need to, just make sure to wear a fluffy pink tutu while you're watching). Over in the world of dance, The Nutcracker was taking center stage in many ballet companies. Imagine, classic Christmas stories and stunning choreography... sigh.
But hold on a second! We’re talking tutus, darling! The story of the tutu is full of fabulous twists and turns – just like a grand jeté!
Imagine this: We’re on a train, hurtling towards London from my lovely Derbyshire. The carriage is filled with exciting chatter, excited whispers about upcoming performances, and of course, the rhythmic clack-clack of the tracks. (There's something utterly romantic about the sound of a train.)
But back in 1987, things were different. Not only did they wear more fabulous hats (hello feathered bonnets and those big old headbands!), the clothes were truly inspiring.
We've talked before about how ballet, for many, was a very formal affair. This meant that for the most elegant ballet balls (and those grand opening nights), ladies had to dress the part, and nothing said "opulence and refinement" better than a fluffy satin gown or an embroidered velvet number with a cascade of tulle.
Now, if I were around during that era, you know what I'd do? I’d dress up as a dazzling ballerina every day! Can you imagine, the look on the faces of other commuters as I hopped on the train in a frilly tutu? Oh, darling, I just imagine the look of sheer joy it would bring. Maybe a touch of disbelief too... But mostly joy!
From Classical Elegance to Edgy Reimagination
Now, let's jump back to the year itself: 1987 was an exciting year for dance, especially when it came to tutus. Think about it! The classics like the Sleeping Beauty and the Swan Lake were still all the rage! (Although, let's face it, every ballet lover has a special place in their heart for Tchaikovsky! 🎶)
What I really love about 1987 tutus was how they were beginning to play with shape and movement. There were still plenty of those classical, bell-shaped tutus, but dancers were beginning to embrace more dynamic, edgy styles, experimenting with shorter skirts, asymmetrical designs, and even bold colour choices! Imagine a deep emerald green tutu... stunning!
Bringing The Tutu Spirit Everywhere!
This is the true beauty of the tutu, darlings: its evolution. No longer a static symbol of tradition, the tutu had started to evolve into a versatile, and utterly magnificent fashion statement that could represent everything from classic romance to daring modernism. It became art on a dancer's body, a dynamic, expressive element in the ballet world!
So the next time you see a ballerina twirling in a graceful pink tutu, take a moment to think about the history of this magical piece of clothing. From the elegant lines of the past to the dynamic modern interpretations, the tutu has been a symbol of beauty and art throughout time... and oh, let's not forget about the FUN of it all.
Now, I need your help! Do you remember this time period? Were you there watching a ballet show with those fantastic costumes? What's the most magical thing you’ve seen at a ballet show or in the history of the tutu? Let's get the conversation going down below!
Now off I pop, I have some wonderful pink tutus to show off! Until next Tuesday, keep on twirling and dreaming big. Remember, you don’t need to be on a stage to wear a tutu! We can spread the tutu magic everywhere! 💖 🩰
Lots of love,