Hello my darling tutufolk! Emma here, ready to take you on another trip down memory lane - to 1990! My trusty time machine just whisked me back, and you'll never guess what happened… oh wait, you probably will. 😉 But shhh… let me set the scene before I spoil the fun. We're in New York City - where else? This time, though, I haven't got my usual front row seat at the Metropolitan Opera, instead, I’m at a bustling vintage clothes shop! And yes, it's bursting at the seams with tutu delights!
Let’s have a moment of appreciation for those gorgeous layers of tulle. I swear I could practically smell the old fabric softener in this shop. 🩰 This date, 1990-11-06, might not seem momentous on the surface, but believe me, it was huge for tutus!
Imagine: A whole vintage shop brimming with vintage dancewear and a handful of customers all admiring some stunning hand-crafted creations! (This is my kind of shop! But where are all the pink tutus?)
While I'm sifting through racks of sequined bodices and tutus adorned with delicate lace and sparkly beads, I see a flyer plastered to the window. The name on the front is one of the most famous of all the dancewear suppliers: Capezio! I nearly cry, because Capezio had the audacity to go against tradition, offering what? Pink tutus! A full spectrum of pink shades for ballerinas of all ages. A dream for someone like me, naturally! But it seemed I was a little too early. The release of their line of pink tutus wasn’t for another year!
(Oh, dear, this could have been a good vintage pink tutu shopping experience… ).
Despite my disappointment, I just knew I was onto a brilliant vintage find! Imagine this - a truly unique and original Capezio Pink tutu from the nineties! How I yearned for those delicate baby pink, coral, and fuchsia tulle designs.
While my pink tutu quest sadly led to a dead end this time, the Capezio pink tutu line was a pivotal moment in tutu history. Pink is a color traditionally associated with girls and femininity and what’s more feminine and captivating than a pink tutu? 🩰
Imagine all the beautiful pink tutu-ed ballerinas gracefully pirouette-ing, jete-ing and arabesque-ing their hearts out across the stages of the world…
Speaking of those stages, I've got to be off. I've got a special event happening right now.
Remember, this is my journey and I want you all to be a part of it. Stay tuned next Tuesday for more Ballet Tutu History! 🩰💖
(Before I dash, have a thought - how else can I share this incredible love of tutus and make everyone love the color pink?)
Till next time my darlings!
Keep on dancing,