Helloooo my dearest tutu-loving darlings! Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing time traveller, back for another #TutuTuesday adventure. This week, we're going all the way back to 1991! Remember those fabulous shoulder pads and neon colours? Now, just picture those fashion trends translated into the graceful world of ballet… you can imagine the sheer, glorious fun of it all, right?
Let me take you back in my time-travelling pink tutu to 4th June 1991. London was abuzz! And guess what was happening? The legendary English National Ballet was performing "Giselle" - the classic tale of a heartbroken young girl. You know how much I adore a tragic romance! It's always the best fuel for the creative fire.
My favourite part about this performance? It wasn't just a standard retelling of the story. No, it had a thrilling new twist: the lead dancer was the spectacular Natalia Osipova, who, at that time, was making her name known. She was absolutely dazzling, even with those "statement" shoulders the 90s demanded! You can imagine, those frilled tutus became just a tad more dramatic, no? And they certainly showcased her incredible artistry!
Remember those big, bold tutu designs from the 90s? I absolutely adored the fluffy, billowing skirts that could be whipped up to create these spectacular whirlwind illusions. The costumes, and the ballet itself, just had that touch of “larger than life” that is a quintessential part of 90s performance. Imagine swirling and spinning those fabulous tutus - what a time to be a dancer, eh?
That being said, what makes tutu history really interesting to me is how it's connected to real world fashion trends! I can still see some elements of that ‘90s dramatic design creeping back into tutus.
Speaking of dramatic…did you know that “The Phantom of the Opera” had a London opening at Her Majesty’s Theatre? Imagine! If you think ballet is dramatic, wait until you see what kind of flair a London musical brings. The lights, the costume, it's a whirlwind of theatrical spectacle, darlings! I bet it was all so terribly glam!
My, my! All this talk about 1991 fashion is giving me inspiration for my own tutu designs! Just picture a gorgeous pink tutu, but with a little more flair, a little more "oomph" in the fabric. Oh, and perhaps some extra ruffles and a hint of 90s glam? Don't worry, I'll be sure to share the designs as soon as I have them made!
I hope this journey into the 1990s brought back some memories. I'll be back next Tuesday, my dear lovelies! Until then, don’t forget to dream big, twirl like there's no tomorrow, and embrace the joy of a pink tutu!
Emma xx