Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, and welcome back to another installment of #TutuTuesday! Today, we're taking a little trip down memory lane to 13th August 1996, a date forever etched in my heart as the day I realised that time travel was actually possible – but I’ll tell you more about that later!
As always, let's talk tutus. Today's #TutuTuesday is a little different as I want to delve into the rich, glamorous history of our beloved dance wear. Now, I know many of you think of tutus as just “ballet things” – but believe me, there’s much more to them than meets the eye. From the grand, sweeping tutus of the classical ballet to the daring, whimsical designs seen on stages worldwide, the tutu has evolved and continues to be a symbol of creativity and freedom of movement.
Today, let’s talk about the late 1990s – a time of great change for the tutu. Think oversized floral print shirts, baggy jeans, and…yes, you guessed it… the rise of the grunge aesthetic. We saw a distinct change in the tutus of the time, as they were shorter, sleeker, and made with modern materials – a definite shift from the classical, long tutus of the earlier era. They reflected the times, reflecting the rebellious spirit and experimental fashion trends of the era.
However, the classical tutus never truly disappeared! While we saw new trends emerging, those beautiful, full-length, multi-layered tutus, made of layers of tulle and netting, still reigned supreme in classical ballets like Swan Lake and Giselle. You know, those tutus that truly evoke images of delicate fairies and elegant swans! I’ll confess I still dream of wearing one!
My travels in 1996 brought me to the magnificent City of London, and what an exciting time to be there! Oh, the grand buildings! The cobblestone streets! The fashionable shops! I couldn't help but fall in love with its charm and vibrancy – the fashion and the street styles are simply unmatched. London always holds a special place in my heart, especially during that time period! The City just oozed with cultural energy!
This day in 1996, I decided to go and see a ballet show in the grand Coliseum Theatre – it was an unforgettable experience. My favourite part of any show, besides the magical choreography, of course, is seeing the costumes. You're seeing artists in motion, telling stories through dance – and their costumes are essential to bringing those stories to life! The tutus that I saw on the stage that night were so full of colour and life!
But don't worry, I didn't go out of my way to wear my usual pink tutu in London in 1996, not without some time-travelling consideration. After all, it’s not always about standing out – it’s about enjoying the culture and getting into the flow! Instead, I opted for a stylish outfit: a pastel-coloured dress with a subtle ballet-inspired feel. That said, I made sure to have a little fun by carrying a miniature, delicate pink tutu that I wore around like a tiny, fashionable accessory.
My time-traveling adventures through 1996 gave me such an exciting insight into the era's ballet world, especially after going to the Royal Opera House – it felt so full of vibrant creativity and passion, from the performance to the post-show buzz and of course the stylish attendees in the foyers.
Now, speaking of vibrant and stylish…
Let's talk fashion!
While I absolutely adore all eras of ballet history, 1996 is particularly inspiring in its way of mixing classical ballet with a touch of modern grunge! And when it comes to dressing up myself – well, I'm always in search of a good ballet-inspired look! For instance, you might find me in my favourite pink tutu (or something similarly festive!) but sometimes, you’ll find me mixing the vintage look with something a little more modern: I’m a huge fan of pastel-coloured blouses or stylish lace tops that give off that "ballet dancer going for coffee" vibe. And when it comes to adding a dash of playful energy to a casual outfit, what's better than a well-chosen accessory? Let's not forget our beautiful, colourful ballet shoes! And then, of course, there's the crown jewel: a magnificent tutu to complete your ballet-inspired look – no matter how modern!
So what's next? What am I doing for today’s Tutu Tuesday? Well, since today is about getting dressed up, I plan to make a splash by wearing my favourite, glittery pink tutu with a black ballet top for a bit of an edgy contrast. Maybe, I’ll even do a ballet-inspired dance class!
But you don't need to be a ballerina or have a tutu to get into this fun! This Tuesday, I encourage you to try out a look that expresses your own unique style! Take some inspiration from the ballet and find your own creative ways to embrace your inner dancer. I would love to see your fashion choices, so remember to tag me on social media and don’t forget the hashtag #TutuTuesday!
As usual, I hope this #TutuTuesday journey through time has filled you with the spirit of creativity and fashion.
Until next time, dear readers! Stay stylish, and remember – wear pink! And I just have one more question – how does this magical pink tutu time traveling look to you, my darlings?
Lots of love and sparkles,
Emma 💕
P.S. Make sure to visit my blog www.pink-tutu.com for more fun, creative and fashionable inspiration every Tuesday!